Friday, September 6, 2019

I Thessalonians and II Thessalonians Essay Example for Free

I Thessalonians and II Thessalonians Essay The Epistle to the Thessalonians is a two letters, generally believed to have been written by Saint Paul, that form two books of the New Testament. The letters are addressed to the members of the Christian church Paul had founded in Thessalonica (Salonica), Macedonia. In the letters, Paul answers questions and deals with problems of the Thessalonian Christians. Passages in both letters prophesy the return of Jesus to earth. Because the second Epistle in places is not characteristic of Paul’s writings in style or content, some scholars have questioned whether Paul wrote any of it. Most scholars, however, believe that Paul wrote both letters. First Thessalonians may be the oldest document in the New Testament. Here Paul gives advice to the people of Thessalonica concerning Christ’s return and encourages them to make themselves ready. Second Thessalonians discusses the same topics; however, it discusses the importance of being ready for the day when Christ will return. I Timothy and II Timothy The two books of the New Testament I Timothy and II Timothy are letters supposedly written by Saint Paul to Saint Timothy. Together with the Epistle to Titus, they are often called the Pastoral Epistles because they deal particularly with the responsibilities of Christian pastors or ministers. Many modern religious scholars doubt that the Pastoral Epistles were really written by Paul. Some of the events mentioned in them do not agree with other accounts of Paul’s life, and there are differences in style from Paul’s known writings. Many scholars believe that these Epistles were actually written long after Paul’s death, but may include small portion of his writings. Titus Titus is a book on the New Testament and believed to be written by Titus himself. Titus is believed to have been converted by Paul himself sometime before the year 49. He replaced Timothy as Paul’s representative to the Christian community at Corinth, Greece, and according to tradition was the first bishop of Crete. The Epistle to Titus in the New Testament is supposedly addressed to him. It and the Epistles to Timothy form the Pastoral Epistles. This â€Å"Pastoral Letters† gives advice about what local church leaders should do to look after spiritual needs of the people in their care. Philemon Epistle to Philemon, in the Bible, a letter of Saint Paul, who was then a prisoner, probably in Rome, to Philemon, a fellow Christian of Colossae in Asia Minor. It pleads for clemency and kindness toward Onesimus, a runaway slave whom Paul had recently converted. Onesimus was apparently set free, and was probably the Onesimus who was later bishop of Ephesus. Hebrews This book, written in the form of a letter, is a sermon about the superiority of Jesus Christ. He is shown to be superior to the angels, to the priesthood of Moses, and to the sacrifices that were made in the temple. Jesus is described as both the high priest and Sacrifice that takes away the sins of many. Written at a time when the church was being persecuted by Roman authorities, this letter encourages Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to learn from his example of self- sacrifice. James This letter of five chapters is called a general epistle since it was written to Christians in general. The book is mainly a collection of moral principles for practical Christian living, and is often summed up in the statement that â€Å"faith, if it hath not works, is dead† (2:17). The writer calls himself â€Å"James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: (1:1). The letter has traditionally been ascribed to James, the brother of Jesus. I Peter Apostle Peter wrote this book. This letter was written to bring comfort and strength to Christians who were being persecuted for their faith for Jesus. Peter encourages them to stay strong for Jesus, he also point out that God is a perfect God and without any blemish at all. It tells of the things to do as servants of god for us to please Him and also submitting to authorities as well as in terms of marriage in the case of a husband and wife. II Peter Apostle Peter wrote this book. This letter was bears some similarities to the Letter of Jude, warns Christians about false teachers who will try to lure Christians away from the truth. The author urges Christians to remain loyal to God and to keep themselves pure because the Lord will return one day to judge the world. I John In this book, First John was written to affirm that Jesus is the Christ, warn Christians about false prophets, and to explain basic truths about the Christian life. A special emphasis is placed on the command to love one another. It tells that there is everlasting life with God and that God will always be there to help us through. 2 John Second John is a letter addressed to â€Å"a very special woman and her children,† a poetic way of speaking about the church. The author reminds the faithful about the importance of love and warns them to watch out for deceitful liars. 3 John Third John describes a conflict between the author and a church leader named Diotrephes. It urges Christians to help other followers spread the truth about Christ. Jude This letter is a warning against the Influence of ungodly and immoral people who claimed to have spiritual authority based on visions they received. These false teachers were inciting believers to disobey Jesus Christ. The author cautions his readers to keep their faith in God and to help any among them who may have doubts. The book closes with a benediction that has become a standard in many worship services: â€Å"To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen†. Revelation The Revelation of St. John the Divine, the Protestant name for the last book of the New Testament. The book is called Apocalypse in the Roman Catholic Bible. By Christian tradition the author was the Apostle John. The author, living in a time of persecution, believed that the weak Christian Church was about to be destroyed by the Roman Empire. But after the Catastrophe, God would intervene in human affairs, and the outcome would be triumph of Christ and his church. The last two chapters give vivid pictures of a new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem. Revelation is not a message of doom but a call to courage and faith. The book is filled with visions and symbols, and with magnificent descriptions and lofty flights of imaginations. It was apparently written about 96 A. D when the Christian Church was suffering persecution under Emperor Domitian.

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