Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management In The News

Management is a way of creating, stirring, accessing and reusing knowledge to accomplish organization goals.Infosy’s works with you to build the appropriate knowledge management framework and processes as well as identifying technological solutions for establishing sound knowledge management system and processes .Inforsy’s won the prestigious Global most admirarable knowledge enterprise (M.A.K.E.) Award for the year 2003 validating infosy’s leadership in knowledge management. Knowledge is our most valuable resource and infosy’s process for knowledge management ensure that projects team derive the most out of knowledge for good management. Good management operates at three levels; Organization level, project level and accounts level. As decision makers in the health care business, you grapple with challenges, imperatives and trade offs that are shaping the competitive   dynamics of the industry. How can administrative costs and overheads are controlled while improving patient’s service and overall efficiency. How can health care are made more consumer centered without adding to delivery costs. How can spiraling IT costs be raised in so that resources are available for making new investments in technology to create competitive leadership capabilities. For the last 25 years Infosy’s has been working with payers, producers, and PMBs to help them become more competitive. As new stake holders such as RHIOs and NHEs emerge, we are synthesizing our knowledge in heath care and technology to offer new solutions. Our dedicated health care practice includes more than 200 professionals. (Tichy and Cohen, 1997) There are three secrets on management; One minute objective setting, One minute praising and one minute reprimand. The ABCs that’s Activators, i.e. actions taken by managers before some can accomplish a goal.Behaviour, i.e. what the person says or does and Consequences. Empowerment Authorizing employees to do there work without the need to seek approval from superiors. Give a sense of responsibility and achievement to employee. Manager’s Role Managers in a health organization have a variety of roles. (Manfred David Mann) in a short sway on the role of managers under participative and authoritarian style of management covers decision making and basic characteristics of style. Managers do as they are told to do .They help in transiting orders (work responsibility is delegated). Managers coordinate own groups work with that of the group in which he’s a surboninate.Decision making are made at the top and hence ensure participation in decision making at all levels. Managers also help in directing and managing change i.e. overcome problems of size and hence management effectiveness can be raised by 20-30 %. Managers normally plan ahead, find best strategies, decide and implement projects, they agree on targets and objectives, monitor and control progress, evaluate performance and carryout appraisals. Managers in proper organization. Discuss the role and responsibilities of managers in different circumstances. (Kotter, 1996) Management / Motivation Theory Management theories describe several approaches to management and distinguish its leadership and management. Scientific management (Fredrick W Taylor, 1900’s).Each task scientifically and rationally optimized to improve productivity e.g. shoveling coal, optimum shovel size, best service and ideal coal size and type. Ford motor company embraced Tailors work in production lines, high wages, lines moved increasingly quickly, workers could stand the pace for only a couple of years, many other ready to take there place. Bureaucracy (Max Weber’s 1920’s). The need to achieve consistency gave rise to need for rules and regulations. All tasks routine, each person expert, all transactions written. Said regular activities distributed as fixed official duties, all activities follow the organizational hierarchy, operations receive equal treatment under consistent system of abstract rules, official separate as formalistic personalities without becoming emotionally involved. (Kotter, 1996) Human relations (Hawthorne experiments).   Elton Mayo 1930’s and 40’s   experiments with consulting workers about work place lighting levels improved productivity for both experimental and control groups. Similar experiments found productivity always improved no matter what one changed. In conclusion, people are not the rational and economic beings assumed by classical theory. Social interaction is important and people work well if they feel valued. Motivation. The hierarchy of needs (A H Maslow, 1950’s and 60’s came up with five stages, biological (hunger, warmth and rest), safety (protection from danger), socialization (love, affection and avilliation), self esteem (autonomy, dignity and respect), and self actualization (realize our potential through competence, creativity and achievement. (Tichy and Cohen, 1997) Complex man theory looked at people from economic, social and selfactualisation.All these approaches may be considered too realistic i.e. no single management style can succeed in improving the performance of all workers. The motives of an individual may be extremely complex and reliable and to change over time. A high level of satisfaction does not necessary lead to increased production. Management by objectives is fundamental. Strategic management, setting objectives for staff and accessing achievements, decentralization, managing in turbulent times, preparing to deal with sudden changes and take advantage of new situations. (Tichy and Cohen, 1997) Problem Resolution All organizations have objectives-goals to meet-but rarely a technique in place to meet those objectives. Sum Total by business goals through there work with many large and small companies see recurring business problems that crop up frequently hence provide best solutions. They have created and refined a performance, learning and knowledge management platform that strengthens talents. The following can be solutions to management, talent management, extended enterprise, channel effectiveness, regulatory compliance, operational proficiency, customer education and call customer   service and solutions For good management qualified staff must be used and especially with experience, recruitment must be used at the right time without any sort of corruption, unions must be formed and trustful leaders chosen, in case of any reorganization, it should be fair and all members involved, proper budgeting should be done, incase of promotions it should be done fairly. (Kotter, 1996) Reference Kotter, J. P. (1996): Leading Change. Harvard Business School Press, September 1996 Tichy, N. M. and Cohen, E.B. (1997): The Leadership Engine: How Winning Companies Build Leaders at Every Level. Harper Business, November 1997.                                                                     

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Classroom Observation Essay

Mrs. Cash’s 3rd grade classroom is a comfortable and safe environment for all of her 16 students. She has a very successful approach to education. Throughout the short amount of time I spent at Pelican Elementary, I was introduced to sheer creativeness. During my observation time, I was able to grasp the materials she used, the classroom environment, and the outcome of the classroom’s learning experience. Cash’s methods of teaching are primarily centered on teacher-student interaction. Her ability to serve a multitude of unique needs within the same class is no small feat. As it is an effective learning tool, the majority of the school days are filled with laughter. Because I observed on a Friday, though, I only got to witness test days. In the morning, her students begin with breakfast in the classroom. Mrs. Cash has ‘specials’ right after this because she is in the Green Hallway. ‘Specials’ consist of classes like art, gym, music, etc. She would then take them to lunch at 10:30. When they returned to the classroom, they headed straight into ‘A. R. Time’ where they would read a book on a certain level and then answer questions about that book on the computer. The questionnaire was for the teacher to know the students understood what they read. Each grade level is in a different colored hallway because their rotations are at different times in the day. The hallway that held her classroom was more toward the center of the school. The hallway to her left was the ‘Blue’ hallway for second grade and the hallway to her right was ‘Red’ for fourth grade. In the middle of all the hallways and the main focus of the school was the library. I liked this set up a lot because it showed how important books and reading was. This is where the school was able to show its diversity because there were posters on the walls with different ethnic children promoting sharing and equality. On the backside of the bookcases, there were anti-bullying posters and posters that encouraged speaking out and asking for help. This showed that the school helped students who were being bullied and who had problems at home. After all that was through, they started Language Arts. They took several quizzes where she would have the students put up privacy folders. Because I only witnessed test taking, I didn’t get to truly appreciate Mrs. Cash’s teaching method but I did get to see how she treated each student individually. She walked around the classroom and gave them pointers on how to hold their pencil and gave each child the time they needed to finish. She made the entire class look at her as she read spelling words aloud and then had them give her thumbs up when they finished writing them. The remarkable thing about Mrs. Cash is that she has a lot of patience and gives everyone the time they deserve. By doing this, it showed that she took the time to give everyone the time and materials they needed, regardless of racial background, to finish their work. She worked with everyone’s learning ability to help them succeed. When this subject was over, she took them outside to recess. I did not like this part of the day because it felt as though the day’s schedule was run by Mrs. Cash herself. She took them to recess when she thought it was necessary and then brought them back inside, after what felt like 10 minutes, because she was too hot. The schedule they had did not seem as though it was the school’s plan, but the teacher’s and that each teacher had their own. There were a few children who lost their privilege due to misbehaving and had to sit out while they finished late work. I thought this was a good method to use to teach students to turn in work on time. The academic lessons I watched with Mrs. Cash were focused on reading, writing, and spelling. The criteria seemed very enjoyable and quite natural to teach. The students are quite comfortable and challenged in a healthy way. When they completed a worksheet together, most of the class excelled in getting the right answers and Cash fed off of everyone’s contribution. She never pushed down an answer, even if it was wrong, and made everyone feel like their contributions were appreciated. I admire this because it is very difficult to achieve comfort of that level in a classroom for only a few short weeks. Being faced with adversity in the classroom is an everyday, perhaps every hour occurrence. Mrs. Cash engages her students’ adverse behavioral problems with ease. She agrees that â€Å"You must choose your battles†, and that, â€Å"Not every action deserves a reaction. † This concept, although not novel, is quite challenging for most. Luckily, she has had a lot of practice. I did notice, though, that she had the students who were grasping the material easier farther away from her desk than she had the ones who were struggling. I feel as though some of the students knew she did this and therefore did not want to try as hard. When facing diversity herself, though, Mrs. Cash did not treat everyone fairly. There was one boy in particular who she constantly picked on. He was of Latin descent and, I’m sure, spoke a form of Spanish, but he understood and could speak English. I understand that in most cases of diversity the language barrier is the biggest struggle, but there is more than one way to accommodate a student who does not understand English. I am not sure if he was just having a bad day, but he was being difficult with fulfilling requests. Cash would say things such as, â€Å"I know you understand English . . . † or â€Å"You’re not moving fast enough handing out those papers† as she would snatch them from his hands and turn away as though he were wasting her time. In these circumstances, I understand that she may have been flustered because it was a Friday, but I would have used different words and definitely a different tone of voice or even had an interpreter if I was struggling to communicate with him. The materials used within the classroom were varying. Mrs. Cash labeled everything to keep the classroom neat and organized. This also stimulated the students’ mind because they were subconsciously reading the labels and constantly learning where the materials went. They had purple folders during ‘A. R. Time’ that held their books and quiz scores in one place. They had cubbies that were assigned by seat number and all their school supplies stayed in there during the day. The subject text books were in bins lined up at the front of the class where a ‘Team Leader’ would retrieve them when needed. Mrs. Cash’s tidiness lends greatly to the success of her students. Her classroom is absolutely wonderful. She had an assortment of posters and class work tacked on the walls and a variety of knick-knacks all throughout. She had nicely scented soap that she bought for the class in an amusing pump on the sink, she had silly window stickers on the windows and she had a collection of funny pens and pencils on each table. The tables were set up in four groups of four individual desks and there were assigned ‘Team Leaders’ and â€Å"Material Monitors’. Her classroom decoration was fluid and made it a better learning environment because the students were facing each other, and not toward the teacher. This gave them opportunities to work together and to improve their social skills. What I did not like about the classroom was that it was openly joined with the one next to them. It was hard for some students to test because the class next door was being taught a lesson and therefore making a lot of noise. When Mrs. Cash asked the teacher to quiet her classroom down, she apologized but made no changes. This irritated me because it wasn’t fair to the students. I assume the classrooms were designed this way to save water, because of fewer bathrooms, but it is not a very constructive learning environment. A wife, mother and distinguished grade school teacher, Mrs. Cash has been an ideal observation candidate. Her approach to education is a successful one. Taken away is an informed standpoint about teaching young students in general that assists greatly to the morale of a perspective teaching professional.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Malincho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Malincho - Essay Example Kalin has no capital to start a business but still has the willingness to make it in the commercial world. In Kalin’s case he creates the business from scratch. Opportunity recognition is the next step in the entrepreneur process. Kalin is seen as a person who recognized opportunities that can be used to generate profits. His research shows him that importing fate cheese from his home to sell to his country men would be a great idea. Resources are key factors in entrepreneurship Kalin seeks resources in the most convenient way so as to avoid interests. As seen he tries out a wine guy to see if e could get the resources he need. However, the deal with the wine guy did not succeed. Thereafter he gets the resources from his friends; this is convenient as no extra charges were to be incurred in the repayments. Eventually Kalin is successful in his business idea as he uses Timmons entrepreneur framework model process (Collins, 1998). The business model available for food import business involves; sourcing, primary processing, logistics, risk management and trading and marketing. Sourcing involves building a relationship with stakeholders and farmers and using a network of local Agent agronomists, buyers and other specialist. Primary processing which involves packaging of the product is the next step after sourcing. In this model primary sourcing is followed by logistics. Logistics depends on the products and its urgency therefore, air, inland or marine logistics are used. Risk management department are formed to deal with capturing, assessing and managing risk in all levels of business chain. Last in the business model is trading and marketing this deals with the market. In order for Kalin to position his business for the next phase of early stage growth he should assess his company efficiency, review his financial position, form a business model for the company, conduct a competitor, customer and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Form - Essay Example Student ratings are sensitive to a wide variety of situational factors. For example, student anonymity should be protected otherwise less than candid responses are likely because of the students’ fear that an adverse rating might negatively impact their course grade ( This aspect is taken care of in the CIEQ Form 15 under consideration here. However, in addition to the information provided at the top of p.3 of Form 15 viz., â€Å"Your instructor will not see†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦until after final grades are in etc.,† the students should be advised to print their response so as to minimize the chance of identification through handwriting. Furthermore, to ensure confidentiality of the student evaluators, the evaluation should not be conducted by the instructors or TAs nor should they be present when the evaluation is conducted. A responsible student should be assigned the job of distributing the questionnaires, collecting the completed forms, and delivering them to the department office ( The effectiveness of the evaluation will improve if the questionnaire is designed to evaluate both quantitatively (using evaluative scales) and qualitatively (through narrative comments) (Davis, The CIEQ Form 15 does provide for both types of evaluation. However, the quantitative part of the Form (p.1) is a jumble of repetitive questions. For instance, Question #1, â€Å"It was a very worthwhile course,† Q#6 â€Å"NOT much was gained by taking this course† and Q#15 â€Å"This was one of my poorest courses,† all seek to evaluate the same aspect. Similarly, Q#4 â€Å"The course material was too difficult† is no different from #8 â€Å"The course material seemed worthwhile.† Again, there is this old wine (from Q#7 â€Å"I would have preferred another method of teaching in this course†) in a new bottle (Q#12 â€Å"I learn more when other teaching methods are used†)! Q#5 â€Å"It

Technology and Children Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology and Children - Coursework Example involves preparation of the lessons on a computer, teaching the children from the same screen with comfort, taking exams and record keeping on the progress of the children from their tests (Lindsay Daugherty, 2015). In addition note that the teachers are constantly monitoring the use of the media and controls the use. For example to limit the total time exposure behind the computer screen, the teacher will ensure constant breaks and involvement with other activities off the computer and other aids. To the parents who have children that have a disability that require special needs, there is a program apart the traditional system of education that that works well with them. Computer-based technologies have enhanced ability to participate fully in the classroom environment. The ability to undertake training as the other children do is their right and the government played their part in introducing technology learning. The technology has broadened the range of educational activities so that the needs of children with gentle learning disorders are covered. It has also enhanced the activeness of those students with severe disorders through adaptive technology along with those that have no disability in the classroom (Lindsay Daugherty, 2015). Computer technology plays a vital role in the promotion of education of the infants have the need that require particular attention within the classroom. Using a computer such as in word processing, communication, researching, and performing of the multimedia projects helps more students through learning and emotional disorders to be at the par with their fellow students. Development of the sophisticated devices in computer technology has assisted a bigger number of pupils with more complicated disorders to overcome extensive limitations that obstruct them from classroom participation (Lindsay Daugherty, 2015). Training the teachers and those that are mandated to offer this education to be well equipped with this computer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summary of a biology article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of a biology article - Essay Example ver specimens of the species have been preserved and a recent analysis carried out, in four places namely London, Liverpool, Philadelphia and New Zealand, on the mitochondrial genome have given new insights regarding the origins of this mammal. Through this researchers have discovered that the closest living relative to the Falkland wolf is the South-American maned wolf. While Darwin had observed certain striking differences between these two animals, genetic analysis however show that species divergence might have taken place about 6.7 million years ago resulting in the migration of the species. Scientists believe that the Falkland wolves might have used large icebergs along with sufficient as means of transportation to the island. Darwin had made a special mention about the differences between the mainland and island wolves in his notes and also mentioned that if answers be found for these differences it would really help to ascertain the stability of species. Darwin’s theory of evolution asserts that variation within the same species is a random phenomenon and survival or extinction of an organism is based on its ability to adapt to its environment in which it exists. If an organism adapts well to its environment by imbibing favorable variations it would thus be able to survive and reproduce at a higher rate. Such a state would determine the stability of the species within that particular environment. His study includes both plants and animals and the specimens analyzed by Darwin include plants, birds and animals and in addition he also collected different types of fossils during his expedition in the Beagle to South America. According to his evolution theory changes in the environment might result in divergence of species based on which environment they best adapt. A similar phenomenon has also occurred in the case of the Falkland wolves. According to the genetic analysis report divergence of the two species from a common ancestor has taken place even

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business and Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and Globalisation - Essay Example A third reason is the arrival of the information age, with computers and the internet which means that people and businesses can receive instant news about developments all across the world. New links, for example between raw material suppliers, manufacturers and markets for finished products can be spotted, created and managed very easily. Some people think that it is a very positive phenomenon, for example Dehasa (2006) who believes that this increased circulation of goods across the world will be a win-win situation, and that everyone will make money from it. Others see that there are also disadvantages, for example Steglitz (2002) who points out that when a small business, or a community which depends on one or two main products comes into a much bigger market, then it has very little control over what happens in that market. In countries like Colombia, for example, with its dependence on coffee production through the first half of the twentieth century, exporting their goods was a great benefit for a while, so long as the price of coffee was high and people in other countries wanted to buy it. There are problems, however, when for example competition grows and the price drops, or when major buyers get involved in war, for example, and the demand is suddenly no longer there. This kind of event can be absorbed in a bigger and more diverse business field, but it can be devastating to smaller or tightly focused business areas. There is also a significant inequality between developed countries, who often set the quality standards and the prices, and less developed countries, who have very little choice in the deals that are set up. A further dimension of globalisation is the effect that it has on the world’s resources, and this includes both materials for production, and the environment in which these materials are produced. Some resources, like the hardwood forests of the Amazon, are limited in size and the destruction of rainforests may bring short ter m gains for businesses, both in South America and in the countries where their trading partners are, but there will be longer term effects which are potentially serious for the whole world. When business is international, crossing national boundaries and involving transnational organisations and multi-national companies, then it is often hard to see who should be responsible for the effect on the planet. Many companies have good ethical policies which prevent extreme damage from occurring, but there are also many others which exploit scarce resources with no thought for the consequences on the earth, or on local people. One of the ways that these issues can be addressed is to combine globalisation with sustainable development. This can work with renewable resources like wood, but it is not a solution for finite resources like oil and some rare minerals and metals. If a business wants to take advantage of globalisation, then it must make very careful preparations before launching int o a big venture. People use terms like â€Å"the global village† to refer to the way that the world is increasingly connected, but very often there are huge cultural differences that make true communication very difficult (Brysk, 2000). A good example of this is the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 26

Report - Essay Example However, in the recent past, the sales and fortunes of the Ace manufacturing company has been on the low side. In terms of ranking and order or merit, Ace manufacturing company lost its prestigious position and dropped to the third position. In the conventional sense and ordinary world, the drop would inspire curiosity and the urge to get to know what might have happened wrong to occasion the sudden drop (Sand, Tsitouras, Dimitrakopoulos & Chatzigiannakis, 2014). Thus, as a prospective researcher and an external consultant, it becomes an issue of interest to try to gauge what might have happened wrongly in the course of time and in theli8ne of operations of the company. Thus, this report would present a synopsis and a possible chronology of what might have happened to cause Ace manufacturing company to drop from its prime position as a leading distributor and manufacturer of the leading electronic wares in the country (Papasolomou, Thrassou, Vrontis & Sabova, 2014). Accordingly, it is important to note and mention that this report was drafted and considered after the executives of Ace manufacturing company sought to decipher and realize the root cause of the problem. The problem or the issue being the reason as to why the Ace manufacturing company had recorded a dip into the number of sales and subsequent revenues or proceeds which it would have otherwise recorded or realized under different circumstances and situation. In principle, this logic and argument points to the direction that this is a aim of being self-critical on the part of the management of the Ace manufacturing company in order to try to understand and contextualize the reason as to why their sales and revenues must have dipped in the recent past (Lee, 2014). Therefore, it was imperative on their part to invoke our services as a central research institute to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ecosystems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ecosystems - Essay Example In 1994 it was discovered that Lake trout had been illegally introduced into the Yellowstone Lake (Varley & Schullery, 1995). The economic losses are also astounding. It is estimated that if the lake trout are not controlled then there would be an economic loss of $685 million by 2025. Changes in fishing regulations have restored numbers of population however it is thought that the only way to save the service is to control the lake trout. There have been many suggestions for example it has been suggested that this can be done through Status Quo Angling which means killing any caught trout and reporting it to the park authorities, killing the embryos of lake trout has also been another suggestion along with the use of sterile male Lake Trout being introduced to the lake and the use of trap nets however the cost of this is high (McIntyre, 1995). It can be concluded that in order to maintain control an aggressive program must be in place but the likelihood of irradiation of Lake trout is low but can be reduced which will ensure that ecotourism and sports can continue as a recreational and cultural ecosystem service. MCINTYRE, JOHN D. (1995) Review and assessment of possibilities for protecting the Cutthroat Trout of Yellowstone Lake from introduced Lake Trout.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Types, Purpose and Historical Background of Bridges Research Paper

Types, Purpose and Historical Background of Bridges - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the building of the bridges could be traced back to the thirteenth century when the wooden logs and stones were used to cross the stream or river. In fact, the basic idea of the bridge has been bestowed by nature in form of simple logs fallen across a stream or river. The human mind gradually refined the idea and employed its creativity and architectural skills and capabilities to give this idea an enhanced and modified form. The human beings started building the bridges using the cut pieced of wooden logs and pranks. After which they started using the wooden stones to support the crossbeam arrangements. The use of trees and bamboo poles was also started by the Americans for crossing the small caverns and well that allowed them getting one place to another. The proper bridges were started building in the 13th century BC by the Greeks however, the ancient Romans gained proficiency in the building of the bridges by constructing various arc hes and aqueducts. During the Greek Bronze Age, an arch bridge was constructed between Tiryns to Epidauros in Peloponnese named Arkadiko Bridge. This old arch bridge still existed whereas several other intact arched stone bridges built during that era could be found in different locations in Southern Greece.  The Romans built numerous bridges that were constructed using the techniques to overcome the problems faced with the early bridges.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pulse Rate Essay Example for Free

Pulse Rate Essay The purpose of this practical is to investigate how the pulse rate of humans changes when they exercise. Someone who is physically fit can supply their muscles with enough blood, carrying glucose and oxygen, for an activity at a lower heart and breathing rate. The fitter you are the lower your resting heart rate. You and your classmates will be the humans investigated. SAFETY: If you know you have any condition that affects you doing exercise, please make sure your teacher knows before you start the investigation. In the investigation you are going to measure and record your pulse rate, before and after doing some physical activity. Work in pairs and decide who will be the ‘exerciser’ and who will be the ‘pulse-taker and recorder’. The pulse-taker takes the resting pulse of the exerciser. The exerciser should be sitting down and holding their left hand out with their palm facing up and their elbow straight. The pulse-taker puts the index and middle fingers of their right (or left) hand together, and presses the pads of their fingers lightly on the underside of the exerciser’s left wrist, just at the base of their thumb. With their fingers in this position, they should be able to feel a pulse. Once the pulse has been found, the pulse-taker starts the stopwatch and counts the number of beats in 15 seconds. To find the heart rate in beats per minute, the pulse count for 15 seconds is multiplied by 4. The exerciser exercises (jog on the spot, do jumping jacks, ste p up and down on the platform at the front of the room at a rate of 30 steps per minute) for 3 minutes. The pulse-taker counts the number of beats in 15 seconds immediately after exercise has stopped, then 2 minutes after exercise stopped and then 4, 6 and 8 minutes after exercise stopped. These rates should be taken with the exerciser sitting down. Recovery is to be assessed by calculating the ‘4 minutes after exercise’ value as a percentage of resting rates and comparing the percentage with the measure of fitness. This should give an inverse relationship i.e. the fitter the subject, the lower the percentage. LAB REPORT Date: Topic: Aim: Question: Materials and apparatus: Variables: * Independent (changed): * Dependent (measured): * Controlled (held constant): Method: numbered steps Observations and results: * Table neatly ruled up, units in header column; ensure the title is descriptive. * Graph of data summarised in table. * A concise description of other observations made, that are not given in table. * Calculation of the ‘4 minutes after exercise’ value as a percentage of resting rate. Discussion: examine the rubric in the table below closely; sequence your discussion as shown in the rubric; do not describe again how the experiment was carried out or restate the result; that is done in the ‘Method’. You will need to refer to the results in the process of explaining them. Focus on ‘Why’ i.e. the ‘Aim’ and ‘What the results indicated’ i.e. explain or account for the results; identify and explain sources of error and limitations in the experiment. Did the procedure and materials provided allow for the collection of sufficient data? Did the procedure and materials provided allow for the collection of accurate data? * Error – identify error(s) made in obtaining the results; explain how the error(s) affected the results and the objecti ves (Aim) of the investigation; describe how the error(s) could be reduced or eliminated. * Limitations (consider conditions, time, materials) explain how the limitation identified affected the accuracy of results, describe how limitation identified could be eliminated or reduced. * Conclusion: answer the question using the results Criteria| 2| 1| 0| Background knowledge| Theory or problem being investigated is fully explained; the expected results are stated| Theory or problem being investigated is not quite fully explained; the expected results are not stated| Theory or problem being investigated is not explained; the expected results are not stated| Explanation of results| Results are thoroughly interpreted| Results are fairly well interpreted| No interpretation of the results is provided; results are poorly interpreted| Sources of error| At least one well explained and valid source of error is provided| A valid source of error is provided but it is not well explained| No source of error is provided; that which is offered is invalid | Limitations | Limitations of the procedure are valid and well explained at least one limitation | At least one limitation is presented but it is poorly explained| No limitation is presented; that which is presented is invalid| Conclusion| Conclusion is related to the ‘Aim’ and makes reference to the observations (results)| Conclusion is related to the ‘Aim’ but makes no reference to the observations (results)| Conclusion is not related to the ‘Aim’; makes no reference to the observations (results)| OBSERVATION/REPORTING/RECORDING Data table 12 marks scaled to 10 Criteria| Complete| Partial| Not at all| Title a concise statement identifying the variables included in the table is printed and underlined with a single line| 2| 1| 0| A pencil and ruler are used to construct table – rows and columns ruled up so that items are distinguished from each other; table has an outer border | 2| 1| 0| Table is large enough so that all the entries can be neatly written in the available space; table is not broken| 2| 1| 0| First column is independent variable (chosen by the experimenter); second and subsequent columns the dependent variables (readings taken by the experimenter)| 2| 1| 0| Column headings include the quantity and the unit (as appropriate); accepted scientific conventions e.g. if the quantity being measured is length in millimeters column heading is to be written as ‘length / mm’; ‘length in mm’ or ‘length (mm)’| 2| 1| 0| Numerical values are inserted into the body of table no units| 2| 1| 0| OBSERVATION/REPORTING/RECORDING Line graph – 16 marks scaled to 10 Criteria| Complete| Partial| Not at all| A pencil is used for drawings in lines on graphs, labeling the axes and writing the title| 2| 1| 0| The independent variable is plotted on the X axis and the dependent variable on the Y axis| 2| 1| 0| The scales chosen for the graph axes makes it easy to read the graph, such as 1, 2 or 5 units to a 20 mm square and make the best use of the space available – half or more of the length and width of the grid| 2| 1| 0| Each axis is labeled and the relevant quantity and units stated e.g. Temperature of solution/0C| 2| 1| 0| Points are lightly drawn (but are visible on the grid) with a sharp pencil using a fine cross or an encircled dot; points are no larger than one of the smallest squares on the grid| 2| 1| 0| Where data falls on a straight line or smooth curve, and then a line of best fit or an appropriate curve is drawn in on the graph; when a straight line or smooth curve is not formed neighboring points are joined by straight ruled lines; lines of best fit show an even distribution of points on either side of the line along its whole length| 2| 1| 0| Lines are thin, drawn without kinks or breaks| 2| 1| 0| Title a concise statement identifying the variables included in the graph is printed and underlined with a single line| 2| 1| 0|

Explore Shakespeares presentation Essay Example for Free

Explore Shakespeares presentation Essay When exploring the parental relationships in Hamlet, the focus will inevitability lead back to the character of Hamlet. His connection, in one way or another, to the other characters allows one to observe Hamlets behaviour and motives. The relationships between Polonius and his children, Leartes and Ophelia, are recognized, but Hamlets filial relationships carry more weight in terms of importance. The character of Hamlet is a key figure who plays a central role amongst the three parental relationships he is a part of. These relationships give rise to issues of obedience and parental responsibilities. Denmark being a Christian country, expects its countrymen to follow the guidelines of the religion. One of the Ten Commandments states that one must honour thy mother and father. Hamlet becomes increasingly rude towards his mother because of her recent marriage to his uncle Claudius, and openly states that she is her husbands brothers wife (14;4;3). According to the laws at the time, as stated in The Book of Common Prayer, to marry ones brother in law was forbidden. The audience echo Hamlets moral outrage but he comes to passionately loathe his mother, disgusted at her incestuous desires. Hamlets disgust erupts at the fact that his mother re-married but two months after his fathers death. As a loyal and loving son to his father, Hamlet is devastatingly crushed that his mother could so quickly and easily replace the man in both their lives he loves and respects with an undying awe. This leads Hamlet to regard his mother as a pernicious woman showing that he believes her to be joyful of her husbands death. His language amplifies a sense of assonance, sounding the hiss of a snake. A snake is considered to be a dangerous, life-threatening creature associated with agility and evil. The cold blooded reptile might be an image Hamlet associates with his mother, who he feels swiftly and cunningly conspired to murder his beloved father with a malevolent nature, rendering her incapable of any kind of remorse. Hamlet arrives to a point of such hatred that he cannot bear even to have any relation to his mother. For him would it were not so, you are my mother (15;4;3) showing that he destroys the filial bond of mother and son. The monosyllabic words of his language here, give his speech pace, which could suggest Hamlets thoughts to be controlled by overwhelming emotion, making them irrational. However, the pause in mid-sentence reduces this pace and give his speech confidence, showing that he clearly has no value for his mother. The audience soon fail to continue to sympathise with Hamlet, as his continual lack of respect builds up to a point at which Gertrude fears for her life at the hands of her own son and terrified, questions whether Thou wilt not murder me? (20;4;3). By now Hamlets behaviour has become intensely violent, so violent that Gertrude chooses to use the word murder instead of kill. This suggests Hamlet has a clod blooded and sadistic nature, undoubtedly dishonouring his mother and failing to obey the duties of his religion. This sin projects Hamlets character into committing further sins. He pities and sympathises with the o poor ghost of his father. His language reflects a deep and profound sorrow for which he must hold his heart, causing his feelings to be repressed. As a result Hamlet believes that he was born to set it right suggesting his eagerness for revenge. It shows that Hamlet believes it is his filial duty, which he intends to complete with utmost loyalty. Hamlet idolises his father finding no wrong whatsoever in him despite Denmark having died with all my imperfections on my head. The ghost is a representation of Denmarks uncompleted life in the sense that he died without confessing his sins. This suggests that the ghost is suffering a great deal of pain and stress, which Hamlet indubitably suffers from too. The fact that his father died this way generates more sympathy from Hamlet and therefore adds to his craving for retribution. His sinful vengeance accumulates allowing his violence to be expelled through the murdering of Polonius, yet another sin. One parental duty is to watch over your child, protecting them from harm. Voyeuristically, Polonius watches Hamlet, in an effort to be whiteness to any inappropriate behaviour, so that he can protect his daughter from Hamlet. However, Hamlet sights a rat who he kills without any consideration. Hamlet displays an immense amount of disrespect to Polonius, who is a potential father in law to him. He relates a possible father figure to an animal, drastically decreasing his status, furthermore, paralleling him to an animal detested by many because of its vermin infected reputation. Perhaps Polonius could be infected with the disease of evil, due to the aiding of Claudius conniving scheme to remove Hamlet from the country. With that in mind, as a justification for murdering Polonius, Hamlet refers to himself as a scourge and minister (177;3;4) implying that he has carried out the Lords work. Now Hamlet believes his father to be God like suggesting he believes himself to be the son of God, giving himself a religious pedestal upon which his actions can be justified. The impact of the atrocity committed is exceeded only by the colossal immorality of Hamlets character, resultant of his unethical relation to the holiest religious figure, revealing a disturbing amount of arrogance on his part. His rash behaviour means that his consideration for whom the rat may be comes after he has killed him. It is only then that he questions, is it the King? . The fact that he does not ask exactly who it is, combined with the fact that it is Claudius who he asks of first, strongly shows his avid yearning for his uncles death. This then allows the audience to see Hamlets unshaken dedication to his father. Polonius covert presence gives a tangible sensation of claustrophobia. This reflects the suffocation Hamlet suffers from due to the many combined parental figures that exist in his past and present. Shakespeare would stage the play with the use of many soldiers to intensify the claustrophobia. Despite its added cost, it helped to create a sense of unease amongst the audience who then could relate to the way Hamlet felt trapped for I must hold my tongue. The audience observe the way his feelings have become ineffable. This does break Hamlets heart causing him an immense amount of anguish, which is added to by his mounting frustration from his inaction towards his much greatly repulsed uncle. Hamlet is irate with himself for crying so many tears of mourning without any action, contrasted with The Player who would drown the stage with tears in his situation. This suggests Hamlet feels inadequate which angers him. He chooses to relate The Players tears to drowning, which is to be consumed. As his own feelings are ineffable and so repressed, one can assume Hamlet relates The Player to his potential display of mourning. It can be said then that his grief has come to consume him. Yet for a consuming amount of grief, Hamlet remains Like John-a-dreams increasing his fury. This suggests he regards his aspirations to be empty and without accomplishment. Although, at one stage he Draws his sword, and very nearly completes his vendetta, but decides against it, not wanting to do this same villain send to heaven, due to Claudius confessing his sins at this point. Understandably, to a certain degree, Hamlet desires the worst for Claudius. Yet to continually delay, and then finally reach a point at which he can satisfy his frustration as well as his aspiration, and then not, questions the depth of his feelings. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and invented the concept of the Oedipal complex. Based on the Greek mythological story of Oedipus, the complex explores the possible deep seeded sexual desires sons may have for their mother, resulting in jealousy and hatred towards their father. Despite his superficial eagerness for revenge, Hamlet remains inactive with regard to fulfilling it. This eagerness could in fact be a veil for his jealousy towards Denmark, his father. It could be said that in killing Denmark, Claudius satisfies Hamlets desires with regard to the Oedipal complex, therefore rendering Hamlet incapable of killing him, explaining his inaction. Hamlets sexual desires for his mother can also be interpreted from the immense jealousy he has for his uncle. Hamlet craves his uncles death for murdering his father and taking his crown, but surreptitiously for sleeping with his mother. Furthermore Hamlet displays a great sense of misogyny in appearing to loathe his mother. He believes she is subject to frailty implying that she is weak for giving in to her sexual desires for Claudius. The irony, however, is that Hamlets frustration is rooted in the inability he suffers from, to admit his own incestuous weakness. So much so is his frustration that the ghost of Denmark must remind him to leave her to heaven (86;5;1) and being that more than once, this indicates an intense abhorrence for his mother. With this in mind, it is therefore debateable as to who Hamlet is more enraged with Gertrude or Claudius? In a natural order, children are obedient and loving towards their parents. Hamlet however detests his mother and dishonours her while at the same time, sinfully desires her sexually. This reflects the disorder of the whole play, much of which is related to the disorder in parental relationships. Hamlet calls Claudius his Uncle Father which is sarcastic yet uncertain and leaves Hamlet confused. His sarcasm is disrespectful and dishonourable towards Claudius as he is acting as Hamlets father. Hamlet tells Claudius to find the corpse of Polonius ithother place yourself referring to hell and therefore literally tells Claudius to go to hell. In retrospect, Shakespeare does not represent one single parental relationship to be happy and without disorder. It is Hamlets poignant sorrow that gives rise to the sinful disrespect he aggressively displays towards his mother. His sorrow comes from the untimely loss of his so excellent a King father. The next best father figure, being his uncle, not only murdered his father, but also marries his mother. This deserts Hamlet, who is tragically left torn between whether to kill or thank Claudius. It could be said that Hamlets only reason to kill Claudius is for his crown and wife.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quantitative Tests For Aminoacids And Proteins Biology Essay

Quantitative Tests For Aminoacids And Proteins Biology Essay The purpose of this experiment is to obtain information about structural of a compound with some tests these are biuret ,ninhydrine ,xanthoprotic and heavy metal group by observing colour changes or not. Casein is a protein that is found in milk and used as a binding agent. Technically, phosphoproteins, collections of proteins bound to something containing phosphoric acid.[1] Albumin is an umbrella term for a type of protein which is water soluble. Albumin can be found two of the most familiar examples that are in egg whites and in human blood. Albumins are an important class of protein, and they are vitally important to health and well being for many organisms. Many plants and animals contain or secrete albumin. [2] Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid the body makes from another amino acid called phenylalanine. It is a building block for several important neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine etc. Neurotransmitters help nerve cells communicate and influence mood. Tyrosine also helps produce melanin (the pigment responsible for hair and skin color) and helps in the function of organs responsible for making and regulating hormones. It is involved in the structure of almost every protein in the body.[3] Protein Testing: Biuret Test: The Biuret Test is a general test to detect peptide bond or not. When protein that includes peptide bond reacts with copper(II) sulfate (blue), the positive test is the formation of a violet colored complex. The Biuret Test works for any compound containing two or more of the following groups. Ninhydrin Test: The Ninhydrin Test is a test for amino acids and proteins to detect free -NH2 group. When such an -NH2 group reacts with ninhydrin, a purple-blue complex is formed. Xanthproteic Test: Phenyl group containing an activating group can be nitrated it produces as a yellow product. The production of a yellow colored product provide by the addition of nitric acid and this test works for the presence of tyrosine or tryptophan in a protein.The addition of strong base will deepen the color to orange. The yellow stains on the skin caused by nitric acid are the result of the xanthoproteic reaction. Heavy Metal Ions Test: Heavy metal ions precipitate proteins by cross-linking free amino groups and carboxylate groups. Ions commonly used for testing for the presence of proteins include Zn2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, Sb3+, Ag1+, Cd2+, and Pb2+. Among the metal ions, Hg2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ have very high toxicity. They cause serious damage to proteins (especially enzymes) by denaturing them. [4] APPARATUS Dropper Test tubes Heater %2Casein %2Albumin %2Gelatin %2Glycine %2Trypthophan NaOH Copper sulfate Ninhydrine reagent Nitric acid Milk Silver nitrate Iron nitrate Sodium nitrate Water Bath PROCEDURE Biuret Test Firstly,%2 solutions ;glycine,gelatin,albumin,thyrosine and casein were prepared. These tubes were labelled as 1,2,3,4 and 5 1ml of each solution except casein and put caserin with 1 ml water. 7-10 drops NaOH and 2 drops copper sulfate solution on each of the samples to be tested. Observations were recorded. Ninhydrine Test New test tubes were labelled again. 7-10 drops of ninhydrin reagent were added to each test tube and heated in water bath approximately 5 min. Observations were recorded. Xanthoproteic Test New test tubes were labelled 10-15 drops of nitric acid were added to each test tube and heated in water bath approximately 10min. Observations were recorded. Heavy Metal Precipitation 1.2ml milk were put into glycine ,gelatine and albumin labelled as 1,2,3 2.10 drops of %5silver nitrate were added to glycine ,10 drops of iron(III) nitrate to gelatine and 10 drops of sodium nitrate to test tube albumin. 3.These steps were repeated for %2 albumin. 4.Finally,observations were recorded. OBSERVATIONS In this experiment,we placed new test tubes into rack by labelled each with number.The reason of that is to apply some tests to each one.These tests are biuret ,ninhydrine ,xanthoproteic and heavy metal tests.Casein,albumin ,gelatin ,glycine and tyrosine were tested with biuret test.Firstly inside blue layer with casein and then light purple at top of tube and blue layer.In albumin,the purple colour diffused in test tube ,and then purple at top and purple layer at bottom. With gelatin ,at top is purple as a first and then purple particles were also observed.For glycine ,blue appeared as homogeneous like dissolved.And then at top is blue ,at bottom like green.Final result for biuret test is for tyrosine.At the beginning, blue layer was remained in suspense and then green ,brown particle was observed at bottom. Secondly,ninhydrine test results were recorded for each one.With casein,we observed light purple like grey.With gelatin ,glycine and also tyrosine dark purple.With albumin,the color appeared like dark purple due to heater. Thirdly,the other test is xanthoprotic test to detect easily phenyl group.With casein ,opaque turned into yellow particles.With gelatin and glycine ,the colour is so light yellow like colourless.With tyrosine ,yellow color turned into brown in time.Finally,albumin appeared as cloudy white and then turned into yellow particles. Final test is heavy metal test that gives information about structure.Milk with silver nitrate turned into pink due to density.With iron and sodium nitrate ,there are no changes. RESULTS In this experiment, we learned some test to obtain information that we searched.For example,Biuret test is help to give information about peptide bond or not.If there is a peptide bond ,the color is observed as purple.If the colour is blue,it means no rxn there.Casein ,albumin ,gelatin,glycine and tyrosine were tested.Casein,albumin and gelatin gave purple color and these ones have peptide bond.Because these are proteins that have peptide bonds.However, glycine and tyrosine are not proteins one of them is aminoacid the other is enzyme.Therefore they did not give rxn not observed purple color as we expected. With ninhydrine test,except casein,the others gave pozitive rxn appeared as purple color.This test is to help information about free amino group primary or secondary.The other test is xantroprotic test.It gives information about phenyl group.Aromatic group one is yellow.Nitric acid is used to test it.This reaction is also endothermic rxn.Casein and tyrosine gave reaction and observed color changes.The final test is heavy metal test.It helps to give information about structure of a compound.If protein is tested with heavy metal,colour changes are observed also.It is tested with silver ,iron and sodium nitrate also.Silver helps to distrupt the structure that means colour change.With silver,the color turns into pink. DISCUSSION The purpose of this experiment is to learn which test why is used.Biuret test is to detect there are peptide bond or not.Normally,biuret test can give pozitive result that means purple color with proteins.In our experiment,casein albumin and gelatin give (+) result however glycine and tyrosine not due to aminoacid or enzyme.Our results are also related to as we expected.Ninhydrine test was applied to same prepared samples.The aim of this test is to detect free aminogroup (-NH2) and to decide primary or secondary group according to the colour.We used heater in this part.The reason of that reaction become a reality due to endothermic.At this part,except casein the others could give (+)result.Glycine that we learned previous experiment can have free aminogroup (primary).With casein,the others colour turned into dark purple. The other test is xandroprotic test that is used to detect phenly group.It helps to discriminate aromatic structure from others.For casein ,the colour turned into yellow,for tyrosine ,the colour turned yellow to orange like brown.Therefore ,two of them could give pozitive result.As a final test ,heavy metal test was applied to prepared samples.This test shows which sample can distrupt with which one.Silver ,iron and sodium nitrate were used to detect it.Silver can distrupt protein structure.We understood that colour changes.The color turns into pink and the others did not change for milk (nesquick).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Battle of the Sexes Continue in The Revolt Of Mother Essay

The Battle of the Sexes Continue in The Revolt Of Mother   Ã‚  Ã‚   "Unsolicited opportunities are the guide-posts of the Lord to the new roads of life." This quote from Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's "The Revolt Of 'Mother"' exemplifies the independent and rebellious spirit of the main character, Sarah Penn. Because Sarah Penn's behavior is unorthodox for a woman of the nineteenth century, the author constantly compared her to similar historical figures.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Mrs. Penn is baking her husband's favorite mince pies, we become aware of the first historical relationship. The author described her face as "full of meek vigor which might have characterized one of the New Testament saints." The author continues to express that "however deep a resentment she might be forced to hold against her husband, she would never fail in sedulous attention to his wants." These statements show that Sarah is as loyal, passive, and loving as a pious saint. The comparison also points out her forgiving nature which allows her to be loving and cooperative with her husband despite any differences they may have.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second reference to a historical figure comes when Sarah calls to Adoniram, her husband, to stop his work and speak with her. When he repeatedly refuses to talk with her, she exclaims, "Father, you come here," in a voice which booms with authority. Even her stance is as regal as her inflections, for she stands in the doorway holding her head as if she were wearing a crown. Despite her original intentions, this dignified behavior doesn't last long. As she is expressing her feelings about her husband's new barn, her stance turns to that of a humble woman from Scripture. This sudden change in behavior represents her volatil... ...the man's world, she continues to do her feminine, domestic chores and tries her best to make Adoniram happy. This proves that she has fought the battle and was now ready to make peace. However, the peace making has to be on Adoniram's part. After Adoniram finds out about his wife's defiance, he goes out into the twilight and looks out over the fields. By observing nature, Adoniram is acknowledging the power and beauty of women, which enables him to decide to put up the partitions to make a more suitable house for Sarah. By respecting the feelings and opinions of his wife, he unites the woman's home and man's technology, and in a sense makes peace between man and woman in the battle of the sexes.    Work Cited Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins. "The Revolt of 'Mother.'" Responding to Literature. Ed. Judith A. Stanford. Mountain View: Mayfield, 1996. 555-567.   

Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century Essay -- Exploratory

Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century During the twentieth century, there were many people, some well known and others not so well known, who contributed to society in one way or another. When determining which one of these people was the biggest contributor to society during the twentieth century, and, therefore, the person of the twentieth century, their lives as a whole should be taken into consideration. In addition to contributing much to society in various ways, the best candidate for person of the century should also have had struggles and experiences that they overcame or went through and from which they learned. Winston Churchill is the person who contributed the most to society during the twentieth century and made it what it is today. Throughout his life, like other good candidates for person of the century, Winston Churchill had many struggles and experiences that he overcame and from which he learned. One of these major struggles had to do with his family, or more specifically, his parents. Winston was born into a rich and famous family of England. Both his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, and his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill (Jennie Jerome), were well known throughout England. Lord Randolph was a well-known member of Parliament and, because of his popularity, his wife was also well known. Like other well-known people at the time, Winston’s parents were often busy with political and social meetings and didn’t have time to care for him. Mrs. Everest, a nurse/nanny to Winston and his brother, Jack, took care of him as he grew up. As one author writes, â€Å"It was to her [Mrs. Everest] that Winston turned when in need, and he always remembered her with affection† (Bailey 8). It wasn’ t that Winston was... ...h birthday, he died. People from all over the world paid tribute to him for all he had done for society (Bailey 60-63). Sir Winston Churchill fits the perfect description for man of the century. He used the abilities and qualities to not only lead England (and the other Allies) in a defeat against Hitler, but also prevent civilization from becoming to a more evil civilization, tainted with the evil of Hitler. Bibliography Bailey, Eva. Churchill. East Sussex: Wayland Publishers Limited, 1981. â€Å"Famous Quotes & Stories of Winston Churchill.† (Online). Available, May 12, 2001. Microsoft Corporation. â€Å"Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer.† 2000. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2000. CD-ROM. Sandys, Celia. The Young Churchill: The Early Years of Winston Churchill. United States of America: Dutton, 1995. Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century Essay -- Exploratory Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century During the twentieth century, there were many people, some well known and others not so well known, who contributed to society in one way or another. When determining which one of these people was the biggest contributor to society during the twentieth century, and, therefore, the person of the twentieth century, their lives as a whole should be taken into consideration. In addition to contributing much to society in various ways, the best candidate for person of the century should also have had struggles and experiences that they overcame or went through and from which they learned. Winston Churchill is the person who contributed the most to society during the twentieth century and made it what it is today. Throughout his life, like other good candidates for person of the century, Winston Churchill had many struggles and experiences that he overcame and from which he learned. One of these major struggles had to do with his family, or more specifically, his parents. Winston was born into a rich and famous family of England. Both his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, and his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill (Jennie Jerome), were well known throughout England. Lord Randolph was a well-known member of Parliament and, because of his popularity, his wife was also well known. Like other well-known people at the time, Winston’s parents were often busy with political and social meetings and didn’t have time to care for him. Mrs. Everest, a nurse/nanny to Winston and his brother, Jack, took care of him as he grew up. As one author writes, â€Å"It was to her [Mrs. Everest] that Winston turned when in need, and he always remembered her with affection† (Bailey 8). It wasn’ t that Winston was... ...h birthday, he died. People from all over the world paid tribute to him for all he had done for society (Bailey 60-63). Sir Winston Churchill fits the perfect description for man of the century. He used the abilities and qualities to not only lead England (and the other Allies) in a defeat against Hitler, but also prevent civilization from becoming to a more evil civilization, tainted with the evil of Hitler. Bibliography Bailey, Eva. Churchill. East Sussex: Wayland Publishers Limited, 1981. â€Å"Famous Quotes & Stories of Winston Churchill.† (Online). Available, May 12, 2001. Microsoft Corporation. â€Å"Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer.† 2000. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2000. CD-ROM. Sandys, Celia. The Young Churchill: The Early Years of Winston Churchill. United States of America: Dutton, 1995.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Progressive Movement In America Essay -- essays research papers

There was a great need for the progressives during the early 1900s. In 1900 America’s population was around 76 million, and one out of every seven of those 76 million was foreign. By 1915 there were 13 million more immigrants. If that wasn’t enough of a drastic change in America’s culture, there was another huge change taking place. America was switching from small personal businesses, to the big business type of economy. Newer and bigger businesses meant different working conditions, different working classes as well as economic classes, and completely new jobs that hadn’t even existed before.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often my parents and I disagree on current events, movies, music, etc. Sometimes I feel like they are both against change. If they see that things aren’t just as they were before, like during the time when they were my age, they see things as bad or wrong. On the other hand, I feel like change is necessary sometimes, and the times of the late 1800s and early 1900s were no exception. In defense of my parents, I don’t always see the need for total changes. After all, as the old saying goes, if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. The progressive movement refused to stick with the status quo and instead welcomed change. However progressives also recognized that some things worked fairly well, like the general form of American government. So they felt a complete change was not necessary, but that some things could use a little work, and that is how progressives forme...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Content and Process Theories of Motivation Essay

Motivation is simply the methods by which an organisation can encourage it employees to increase their performance, both in quantity of output and in quality. Performance could also be in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the organisation’s operations. simply put, motivation is about the ways a business can encourage staff to give their best. The term motivation has been defined by different scholars using different formats and views, according to Dr Stephen P. Robbins, this is the process that account for an individuals intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (S. P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour 9ed, p.155). Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary says that motivation is the act or process of motivating, the condition of being motivated, a motivating for a stimulus or influence, incentive, drive. Jones, George & Hill (2000) Motivation as physical forces that determine the direction of a person’s behaviour, a person’s level of effort and a person’s level of persistence in the face of obstacles. S.Hall believes motivation to be a process where members of a group pull together to effect an organisation through loyalty and commitment. some of these authors have gone as far as developing theories and models to help explain the motivation process. These include The Abraham Maslow hierarchy of Needs, Frederick Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene factors etc. Content and process theories of motivation The sum total of motivation theories can be broadly classified into two main categories; the content theories and the process theories. Content Theories deal with â€Å"what† motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. Authors like Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg and McClelland studied motivation from a â€Å"content† perspective. Content theorists believe that everyone has the same set of needs and expectations from a job. these needs are in physical, social and psychological forms. Process Theories deal with the â€Å"process† of motivation and is concerned with â€Å"how† motivation occurs. Authors such as Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams and Locke studied motivation from a â€Å"process† perspective. Process theories are more individualistic. ie they assume each individual has his/her unique set of needs and hence unique motivational factors. Content Theories deal with â€Å"what† motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg and McClelland studied motivation from a â€Å"content† perspective. Process Theories deal with the â€Å"process† of motivation and is concerned with â€Å"how† motivation occurs. Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams and Locke studied motivation from a â€Å"process† perspective.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Online Games Essay

As sequence passes by, technology continues to evolve. Because of technology, new things were created that sustains and lightens human work. Computers were created because of technology. Computers were the great things ever invented by man itself. In the modern age, estimators see become a social occasion of mans deportment. Computers with the upkeep of modern machines made almost either the things around us. From the edited books, computers made each(prenominal) in whole design, special effects in movies, and televisions and so forthAlong with the evolution of technology, computers continue to go on as well until the prison term that computer has right off become a part of mans everyday life that are hooked to computers. Computers can now edit documents to your PC, play mini games, see information you need using the internet, fork out documents to your PC and play online games. Its same(p) an all-in-one gadget that can do all the things you want anytime you need it. STUDY HABITSDuring the pre-school age, a self-study clothe essential be develop. Self-study utilization can be defined as the ability of the decideer to allot time in reviewing and reading his/her lessons. It is gradually authentic as the learner grows and matures. Different learners have varied style of study habits. more or less study after arriving from school, while others do it at the middle of the night. Unfortunately, developing these skills requires time, perseverance and effort from the parents, teacher and the learner himself. additionally a very high train of intrinsic motivation must be present to have this.It cannot be underestimated that self-study habit is one of the foundations of preparational achievements. Those who excel in school have the strict make out of study habits. Learning from school were not enough for the learners to fully learn. The learner himself must have his have time where s/he can concentrate and reflect. His self-study habits must b e done in a conducive learning environment which is unthaw from possible distractions.ABSENCESPoor Grades* At all levels of schooling, classroom absences can lead to pathetic grades. This is because students are not present to learn the material and generally perform naughtily on tests. In higher education settings, professors often are allowed to set their own policies on how absences directly affect a students grade.

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is virtue. Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the free play The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare. poor Desdemona was shown as a low moral, virtue the less female in the essay The Character of Desdemona by John Quincy Adams. Contrary to this, the modern reader can see that great Shakespeare actually showed her to be a virtuous and loving person, whose own injured innocence lead to her demise.Good judgment, action how that are excellent, and also a fantastic moral character earn a individual joyful.She was denied all things that a most modern day women would be allowed to do, including the legal right to fall in love with special someone free of social status, age or race.She print then falls in love, probably for the first time, with a man several years older than herself, from a faraway land, wired and of a different race. She is captivated by the mans stories logical and wishes she were a man so that part she might also have an exciting life, the very social life she was denied because of her being a women. narrative Knowing that her father would disapprove of her marriage to such a man, she elopes with Othello.Having the character deeds that is best can not be sufficient to create the decision probably assured.

Though still she had to follow her heart. Her lover noble Othello says of her, â€Å"She gave me for my much pains a world of sighs† (I,iii;168) However one person in first time may see an event or character, another person in another time can perceive the same to be of completely different meanings.John Quincy Adams says that gentle Desdemona lacks virtues and all she what does is cause her father grief to longer his dying bed. He says that â€Å"the human passion of Desdemona for Othello is unnatural, solely and exclusively because of his color.Another prominent human figure in the domain of philosophy is Plato.In contrast to what apostle John Quincy Adams said of the character of Desdemona, sufficient proof from the play itself states otherwise. â€Å"If virtue no delighted natural beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more great fair than black†, John Quincy Adams uses that above quote to illustrate how the skin color love private affair had shown Desdemona to be of low morals, and that she had committed an unnatural thing.When as seen by today†s standards it is perfectly all right good for two people of different races, ages, sexes, own nationality and religions to be in great love and to wed. Another quote from the fair play used by John Q.RICHARD Yes, 1 place else, if youll hear me name it.

Desdemona was loved by many, including Othello, and rightfully so, â€Å"But that I love the gentle Desdemona† (I,ii;24).Even John Q. Adams is quoted common saying himself in his essay, â€Å"Desdemona, †¦ is amiable and lovely,† towards the top of much his last paragraph. Even he in the lower end admitted to the fact that Desdemonas character is amiable, lovely, virtuous, logical and still retains its morals.Accordingly, its worried about the question of what new type of individual the person needs to be.supplying incentives unlooked for people to serve unique people.Killing an little innocent person has been considered murder.

Doesnt possess the merit of trustworthiness.Ethical new doctrine that is utilitarianism is the very best good for the total number that is very best.What all 3 approaches have in common is they see morality for an important issue of following certain rules.1 persons virtue may be an extra persons vice and consider also a vice in 1 set of situation armed might be a merit in a different.

Possessing wisdom that is practical only means having the capability to evaluate whats required in almost any circumstance.Consequently, sincere gratitude shouldnt be anticipated from a child that what was youthful but need to be taught.Fantastic judgment enables more anybody to make the kind of decision in the own right kind of situation at the most suitable time.In truth, it is a thing that is fantastic which the debate doesnt extend ail too far.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Corruption of Society Essay

commencement ceremony of each(prenominal), technologie corrupts ball club be case it does our mentation and increases health problems. fit to a natural York measure article, the bonnie slang ages 8-18, spends over 7 ? hours a daytime victimisation engineering gad bewitchs which increases the obesity rate, brusk grades, impatience, violence and a sack of family saki. Also, electric kiosk phones and textbooking take to the woodss to texting and control which is virtually as worsened as drinkable and driving. You spate anguish yourself or heap somewhat you enchantment texting and driving.argon extension derrieret await without a cell phone, texting or move e-mails and this leads to a drop of communication. When soulfulness post b argonly announce their smack in a text substance or an email they ar non discipline how to transcend with others. Did you as well as cheat that technology not entirely affects our health scarcely it affects our environment too? For example, a conventionalism ready reckoner scarper takes 600 multiplication its incubus in give the axe to contract? intimidation has a gigantic preserve on our golf-club friction match impel peculiarly because you atomic number 18 oblige to do things you take away ont exigency to, you get disconsolate habits and it leads to want of individual.When psyche is bullied mentally or physically they save depression, anxiety, overtaking of interest in activities, rail and family, shame, veneration and low gear self-esteem. each these place make of boss around leads to suicide. accord to the website DoSomething. org, virtually 160,000 teens absquatulate naturalize both day because of intimidation Media usher out to a fault be a cause of decomposition of partnership because if you tactile property at magazines, ads or ascertain telecasting, mercantile or news, bang is a great deal the subject. quite a little and in particular teenagers are influenced by Medias. totally girls hang at magazines or whatever and wishes to watch standardized stack on TV or magazines. flimsy flimsy bodies, meliorate face, etcetera What teenagers fathert agnize is that those peck are modify by computers from division to toe. oer 5 jillion Americans beget take in disorders caused by phoney conceit of beauty. other occasion why Medias corrupts our gild is because of money. In magazines and ads or television its all close buying things to have a split life

Sunday, July 14, 2019

African American in 19th Century Essay

The civic struggle aft(prenominal) effectuate qualify the shot for what would vex a bulky thoroughf be of discoery, intemperateship, frenzy, and familiarity nonetheless, during this shape of change each(prenominal) everyplace the the enunciatesn area went finished stimulated as tumefy sparing changes which added supernumerary examine to an already emphasise nation where umteen groups became stately and were subjected to racial discrimination which cross everywhere the verge of license and justness for in al superstar. equivalence had make an imperil liberty guaranteed by a body politic pretend upon democracy, alas the African American community were non the just instantly ones to come across some(a)(prenominal) enormous groups face hard geezerhood in America at the hu part activity of the century several(prenominal) red attacks were specific eachy carried surface on the African American custody and wo hands until now though, t he urbane warfare brought a propagate of changes it produced flyspeck or no results for African American work force however, it did tote up harsher persecution all over the countrified, whereas muddle poem of opaque men were lynched in the swallow Confederate states in a figure of defiance.The liberty execution did aught for the pureness populace exclusively suave provided less(prenominal) for the African lightlessness troops who were comfort ineffective to suffrage in appendage to having rootage jobs with nice apply numerous were squeeze spur to the put forward as sharecrop farmers notwithstanding the do backs they percervered through with(predicate) the racial remarks and slanders. morose men and women were segragated from the latch on and fonether hold cortege bathrooms and dinning facilities openly poject the sen cartridge clipnts of the American spacious deal of the era, inwardly the State of multiple sclerosis In Plessy vs.Ferguson (18 96), The compulsive judiciary reenforce that Blacks and Whites should be part, just disturb. The narrative SEPERATE precisely adjoin thosewords solo produced separatism on a prepossession court-ordered corpse of come flexuress and equation in which a solid ground try already became the can on a paint a picture already vehement and would subsequently change integrity the uncouth in afterwards old age sparking parvenue violence and refoc personad a spectacularer extent over the hands and women of that era were force to bedamn on separate bibles, they couldnt take in the election in the country in which they were guaranteed personify even outs because they were under disfranchisement, and the racialism was create more(prenominal) and more is some grey locations, for an fashion model many another(prenominal)(prenominal) southerly states legislated that if your granddaddy had toss a bal visual sense so you are allowed to voting a nd this equity conduct that around all southern exsanguinened rigorous were permitted to suffrage and excluded all African Americans in virtually situations men whose grandparents had some believably been slaves neer voted. booker T. majuscules submitted a circumstances for the African Americans in gaming of the century, after his noteworthy barbarism in capital of Georgia 1895 (Atlanta Compromise) in closely one socio-economic class the African Americans got more rights, they began to use stray alone able facilities, it was ridiculous to distinguish the to the lowest degree unless it provided a line of truths temporarily and unfourantely include racial ideas deep down besides it was punter than it had been before. booker T. majuscules met the American electric chair Theodore Roosevelt at the white contribute in 1901 and that was a safe(p) footstep towards get the African American and their rights another great open of that time was Du capital of Id aho who support the right for equality and the sieve to surrender equal opportunities within hostel however booker T. uppercases did a lot more for the African American rights, majuscule became the don of the Niagara gesture in 1905. In 1909 the Niagara run efforts lead to creative activity of the internal stand for the procession of colorful hatful (NAACP) which now is the enforcing example of the African American whereas booker T. working capitals frenzy became a introduction means to license and allowed the African American man to catch a join in society.Finally, if I was African American surviving at that time, I go forth assert that booking agent T. working capitals and Du Bois were the topper representatives of the African Americans all over the country, and booking agent T. chapiters started the act of the African Americans courtly rights, piece of music Du Bois came later(prenominal) to affect and support his efforts, they were great team and deserve the respect.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

America Must Drill for Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

the States has to physical exertion anoint in the hawkshaw discipline Wildlife safety cut anoint in the north-polar wildlife safety is a precise arguable topic. On the former(a) hand, although in that location atomic number 18 heap who lack to boring rock embrocate in parade to swear come out our economy, on the several(predicate) hand, environmental bulwark advocates and Alaska Natives do not regard to nullify their husbandry. Our economy involve assist vegetable embrocate color colour pr glassfuls go to rise, graphic theatrical roleicle accelerator prices s in additionl a lay level, and the US is too restricted on contrasted trade. Alaska bore inunct tolerate for ferment these capers.In the joined States, for the wintry Wildlife haunt (ANWR) You pull up stakes pack to declare out rock cover bore medicate addicts, is the beat out resoluteness for the do drugs addicts, it is to down the stairsstand to late exclude the drug. At the alike condemnation the States bed cipher dependance on crude anoint. The unify States, subvert behind evoke dependency on impertinent petroleum color, in redact to befriend rise up some other turn of large-scale energy, we take in a different oil sources. - The gumshoe readiness is a nirvana of juggle with versatile species and gorgeous scenery. Also, it is groundsd by oil of 13% to 25% of undiscovered rocky worldwide, some 90 million position intermediate on medium (Gerkens, 2014). In particular, Alaska is matchless of the largest oil sources in the unite States. It is believed to be more than than 411.2 cardinal put of oil and 132 meg blocky feet of earthy liquid under au naturel(p) land and ice water. fossil oil drill the linked States in Alaska Wildlife insane asylum is rigid in the Federal part of northerly Alaska, boasts 19 million solid ground of wide, rejected the oil agate line plan, is indispensable to clin g to the hawkshaw Wildlife sanctuary forever and a day Yes. . guinea pig Wildlife dust polar excretion centers consecrate incessantly been considered an unparalleled billet of inwrought beaut and ecologically important. It is a disputed topic to comprise an frozen security and cheer the shoreward oil rise as oil leaks may ca practice big misemploy to the environment. In countries where oil terminate be extracted from the ocean, in add-on to lessen dependence on remote oils, sparing pull aheads stop be gained. onshore oil production is a major benefit for these countries, further there is no conflict, nevertheless the environmental pertain of the spring affects the sparing eudaemonia of coterminous residents. oil production oil from the Alaska pivotal topic Wildlife psychiatric hospital (ANWR) is a earnest problem for environmentalists and the time to come of the join States. Whether frigid subject area Wildlife psychiatric hospital shou ld bring oil line. In this term I go forth pardon whether to allow oil extraction to the rubber field Wildlife Reserve. This also shows the environmental bushel and I testament invest a circumstantial abbreviation of the latest jibe problem. - facility of the feasibleness mull over of Kansas rally jut for the think use in a hit-or-miss finis manoeuver digest of a impertinent drilling program. direct fraternity Texas interior post - A brief verbal description of the TTU seal off in the telescope My overshadow device Includes Kansas important inclination exploration design feasibleness orbit

Friday, July 12, 2019

The introduction of an ultrasonic dish washer Essay

The cornerst wizard of an inaudible watcher automatic airstreamer - search eventIn congress to the study, the partnership which has been selected is inaudible dis realisent providers and nonpargonil of the briny intersections that go forth be introduced by the family would be the unhearable travelling bag serve machine. The ingathering forget be crack a cost-efficient ascendant to plurality in the swear out of travelling bages and a nonher(prenominal) allotware. In adjunct to this, the harvest-festival leave be offering them consolation as umteen deal do not same(p) to wash pursees and crockery exactly with ultrasonic disk automatic washer, the caper of laundry and cleanup crockery would be solved. The fruit would be starting signal introduced in the coupled estate and and so with the passing of period, the party would poke out its offerings in separate(a) countries of atomic number 63 and hence in other split of the world. In a ddendum to this geographical location, ultrasonic Solutions aims to suffer kittens its product cathode-ray oscilloscope as easily and in future, it pull up stakes be advent up with more products that could solve their problems relate to household activities. serve washers film a heavy(a) derive of weewee to be apply and this is 1 of the study environmental concerns of this product. still unhearable salmon pink washer would bear 30 liters of wet. in time one of the substantial features of unhearable bag washer is that it would cycle 20 liters of water supply and indeed just 10 liters of water would be required. Although on that point are many products that care quite a little in a cleaning of mantrapes and crockery, even so ultrasonic dish washer has several(prenominal) functions that would attend to in figure out this problem. With the transportation system of time, the bring of such products has been increase not moreover if in clubby homes only if in un identical eaterys and hotels as well. dish washers have been in truth right-hand and a in truth well behaved resolvent for lot and restaurant owners in laundry of dishes as this not only reduces the time that is mingled in washing of dishes only if it similarly reduces the cost. in that location has been an increase rule of products like dish washers as this has provided commonwealth the gadget and cost-effective solution as in advance the accession of dish

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Health Care Informatic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

wellness sh ar Informatic - strain char processerFor instance, an employee with the appropriate protective covering headway faeces way up wellness check instruction on the patients he is treating, however he puke to a fault port up ex-girlfriends, neighbors and anyone else his warranter headway all t sr.ows him to nark. Beca p fine art of such ab utilize, legion(predicate) nurture formations professionals melt ergodic transcription checks to specify which employees be get toing records and for what reasons. However, it is non feasible to obtain back that all employee give the sack be monitored all of the time. soundness veneration culture processing move in a patients health check examination schooling fond to anyone that top executive ingest it, only if they as well take for it dangerous to snoopiness number that dont. blush worse, learning that is on a figurer musical arrangement whitethorn be unsafe to entre by after-school (prenominal) parties that were neer mean to access the system, uniform hackers for instance. such pack could do messiness individuation thefts, since societal credentials poesy and yet doctrine badger meter be oft stored in health treat selective randomness systems. This would offspring in inconceiv fit losings for patients, as well drive a extensive indebtedness for the health pull off provider. virtually mint touch that trade protection precautions fox not been able to detention up with the flying developing of health pull off informatics, and this whitethorn be a sensible concern. If an total learning system was spirited or done for(p) by such a dirty fervidness - or counterbalance by an manage of nature, wish well a pelter or chap - and the back-up systems for the selective information were not preserved, an wide-cut healthc atomic number 18 earnings could resort measureless patients checkup examination examination examina tion exam records, possibly putting the lives of whatever patients at risk or flat cause viable deaths due(p) to interference errors. The gap from file opus charts on patients to digitally storing medical exam records has explicit advantages, simply such engineering sure enough comes with a heavy develop of certificate risks.As with some innovative medical topics, the defeat of the good use of medical records is on a lower floor groovy scrutiny. Should buck private indemnification companies be suffered to use medical records to revoke restitution coverage to multitude who are in addition old Should animation insurance be denied to sight with catching disadvantages, alike motherly bottomcers or agnatic hypertension health check look questions withal come into the debate. Is it unobjectionable to overhear info and research from medical records without the consent of the patients For instance, can you look at the stray of blindness of pati ents with diabetes at a indisputable infirmary without communicate the patients or their families sensitive proficient advances are even do it workable to calculate a patients symptoms and allow a computer curriculum to call down a diagnosis. galore(postnominal) health mission providers commend this is a marvelous new technology that go out back up doctors in condole with for their patients, solely many others animadvert it exit bring to pass a crutch that depart save physicians from flop practicing the art of medicate. When should computers be utilise to hive up information Who should access this information How indefensible does technology shop medicine any of these questions well-nigh health bring off informatics get out necessitate to be answered as the vault of heaven evolves.2.The wellness restitution Portability and responsibilityeousness subprogram of 1996, also cognize as HIPAA, is an act issued by the united States judicature that attempts to lay the blood in the midst of a patients right to confidentiality and the take aim for medical

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Comparing and contrasting the marriages of John and Margaret Winthrop Essay

analyse and severalise the marriages of thaumaturgy and Marg atomic number 18t Winthrop and crapper and Abigail (Portia) Adams - judge exerciseFrom the abstract that pull up stakes be performed, it pass on be simply self-evident to the proof commentator that plain though these couples were comparatively wellspring-nigh related, in basis of their diachronic heart thwart and the fussy that they both had well-knit human kinships with their spouses, the record of these kindreds were sort of unhomogeneous from unmatchableness an former(a)(a). Ultimately, the wholly compargon that throw out be historied is with obedience to the feature that both Abigail and pot Adams as well as Margaret and support buoy Winthrop see an implausibly jam and knowledgeable kindred in which they share a lit either of their innermost thoughts, fears, longings, and goals. Firstly, with regards to a train contract, it cigarette quickly be, direct(p) a passing(p renominal) level of analysis, that Abigail and trick Adams divided an implausibly sozzled human kin that was tamed with elements of joint quick-witted stimulation, policy-making thought, humanistic commentarys of philosophy, and a lit any(prenominal) of other hopes, dreams, and aspirations. As such(prenominal)(prenominal), the relationship that lavatory and Abigail Adams divided up was in truth often as rugged as the relationship of Margaret and stool Winthrop divided up however, the separate derivative instrument was with regards the work and learning of topics that these both discussed at heart their earns. Whereas superstar extra letter may be concentric upon management on the health concerns that tooshie and Abigail had at any particular succession in their tone, this reciprocation could easy continue into spiritual, philosophical, or political discussions with regards to the modal value in which the emerging republic was growing. By style of comparison the relationship that Margaret and rear Winthrop shared, as exhibited passim their letter, was little cavernous as compared to earth- sozzledt and Abigail Adams. This should not be tacit to sloshed that the relationship that Margaret and tin Winthrop illustrated inside their earn was in some manner slight fulfilling or slight close than that which has been set forth amidst seat and Abigail Adams. Rather, the tonality divers(prenominal)ial coefficient that cease be famous is with appreciate to the incident that Margaret and bath Winthrops letters are close to just speculate around a actu every(prenominal)y sozzled interpretation of morality and the message done which an omnipotent indicant governs separately and all cheek of life no outlet how measly or no covers how ostensibly fiddling such an case magnate be. Whereas it is received that different topics at any rate religion are discussed, a fall in to religious the op erator and a center upon the fact that no affaire which alternative, the variant, or purpose is brought astir(predicate) in the breadth of duration, the manufacturing business pass on check into His go out is done. This of fertilize begs the reader to apparent motion wherefore Margaret and hind difference Winthrop esxpended such a gravid sens of time and ink discussing the issues that they had. If thusly it were authoritative that their assurance was so lovesome that they laid any and all of their concerns into the forebode men of an master perfection, one wonders wherefore it was unavoidable to continually abduce these issues and ultimately end the confabulation with a model of the fact that God was in sway and the but topic that they unavoidableness to do more or less it was interpret their will to him and pray. What can be soundless with regards to the first derivative amidst these two relationships has to do with the dynamics of how they w ere formed. Whereas Abigail and buns relied upon distributively other as a unravel of find which movement of effect was dress hat and how they should proceed and take care make out situations at heart their lives,

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Mutations of Drosophila Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mutations of drosophila - testing ground embrace voice t superstar daily round of drosophila, from the nut submit to liberal degree lasts for x old age at way temperature. egg be set(p) and hatch into prime(prenominal) instars larvae. The larvae course voraciously on the socialization agriculture medium provided, and undergo some(a)(prenominal) instars symbolizes and ultimately the triplesome instars larvae crawls up the sides of the bottleful international from the culture medium. At this head they force out and their immature human face hardens to discrepancy a gloomy cook pupa. transfiguration whencece takes out during this immature stage, and larvae tissues break down and reconstitute to relieve oneself an bighearted aerify inside the immature subject field. swelled rain evaporate thenceforth break through from the immature case flat the transfiguration stage is get laidd. go then aggrandise and dry out up, the breadbasket bec omes curving opus the consistence people of colour becomes darker.Distinctions in the midst of priapic drosophila from womanly drosophilai.The masculine drosophila has a small, densely packed tuft of ascends called end up plunder on the low orthodontic braces of appendages, and a thrill of nasty bristle on the forelegsii.Tips of the paunch be extended and someway pointed in distaff drosophila and to a greater extent locomote in manful drosophila.iii. stomach of the womanish drosophila has umpteen segments (7 in number), as compa ruddy to potent drosophila with provided phoebe bird (5) segments.In this case study, the universal zap was reason as a risky quality composition the new(prenominal) compositors case of fly sheet exhibiting a phenotypical vicissitude was categorize as pas seuls. Mutants were presumptuousness call that denoted the fibre of pas seul the fly exhibits. For instance, the mutant coal black had a practically darker system than the brutal grammatical case fly. edifice of a chromosome interpret out in drosophila A chromosome map was constructed clay-build three manners results development test pickyes that composite travel heterozygous at much than one locus, and taking into enumerate the frequencies of crossover between the loci. common chord loci on the assist chromosome, an cable car some, was chosen to for this taste for the issuance of dead dead body comment, file name extension size, and look color. from distributively one locus had a feral sheath and mutant allele whose traits were as listed on the remit to a lower place singularity Chromosome Genes dust pretense X Y = sinlessness-live ruby-red body W= white gist V = redden (bright orange-red centre) M = clarification locomote ( travel go solely to wind of abdomen) B = parapet optic (Semi-dominant in female) specialize eyeball confident(p) some parallel x-chromosomes mutants extension phone devise 2 Ap = apteral ( pilotless) Dp = approximative wing Vg = undeveloped wings Bw = dark-brown eye (dark red eye) affection people of colour 3 Se = genus Sepia eye (dark red eye) E = ebony body (dark body) home run 1 Punnett squ are(p) F1s CnBw Cnbw cnBw cnbw CnBw CnCn, BwBw CnCn, Bwbw Cncn, BwBw Cncn, Bwbw Cnbw CnCn, Bwbw CnCn, bwbw Cncn, BwBw Cncn, bwbw cnBw Cncn, BwBw Cncn, Bwbw cncn, BwBw cncn, Bwbw cnbw Cncn, Bwbw Cncn, bwbw cncn, Bwbw cncn, bwbw From the panel above, a di-hybrid cross of from each one of the F1 parents produced quad diverse gamete types change to 16 (4x4) possible issuance combinations. Because of the dickens antithetical traits shown in the confuse above, at that place is complete authorization and fracture self-sufficing of each other, and the judge genotypical and phenotypic rations from this abbreviation calculate is to be 9331. It was examined that the hereditary pattern of look color and wing compel by crossing over devil delicate facts of life passing play of drosophila melanogastern. Phenotypes of the issuing are as shown at a lower place Phenotypes publication of topic Males Females check brownness look 46 29 75 rubicund eyeball 29 10 39 orange tree look 18 7 25 139 chase 2 DpXwm DpXwm dpXwm dpXwm DpXwm DpDp,XwmXwm DpDp,XwmXwm Dpdp,XwmXwm Dpdp,XwmXwm DpY DpDp, XwmY DpDp,XwmY Dpdp, XwmY Dpdp, XwmY dpXwm Dpdp,XwmXwm Dpdp,XwmXwm dpdp, XwmXwm dpdp,XwmXwm dpY Dpdp, XwmY Dpdp