Thursday, October 31, 2019

Water, Agriculture and Irrigation Simulation for CROPS Statistics Project

Water, Agriculture and Irrigation Simulation for CROPS - Statistics Project Example Temperatures are at the highest in the month of July and August with temperatures reaching high as 40  Ã‚ °C. Temperatures are recorded the lowest in late January and early February with temperatures reaching less than 5 °C. ETO is highest in the month of June to July with records reaching up to 7mm. The month of December and January record the least ET0 at an average of 1mm a day. The ideal period to grow crops in Cordoba is from January after which they will take 4 months to be harvested. The major climatic constraints include high temperatures. Cordoba experiences high temperatures in the mid year. The increasing temperatures occur in the summer season after which most of the crops have already been harvested. Increasing Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also high from June to December and is increasing at an increasing rate. Carbon dioxide should not be directly proportional to the oxygen released to the atmosphere. Increase in carbon in the atmosphere lead to low productiv ity. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have direct impact on agriculture productivity. This may also lead to extreme weather. A warmer climate could bring low rainfall which results to low water availability. The maize sown on 15th February yielded 2.726 with a biomass of 8.388 ton/ha with a potential biomass of 18.314 ton/ha both in ratio of 46% with a water productivity of 1.01kg yield per m3 evapotranspired. Canopy Cover (CC) of the maize sown in 15th February increased from 0 to 96% at the 15th day to 40th day and reduced from 85th day up to 111th day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Sin Tax bill Reaction Essay Example for Free

The Sin Tax bill Reaction Essay The Sin Tax bill (House Bill 5727 and Senate Bill 3249) is a bill which aims to restructure the existing taxes imposed on alcohol and tobacco goods. On December 20, 2012, President Benigno Aquino III signed the Republic Act 10351 or the sin tax reform 2012. The Sin Tax Bill is a sensationalized issue in the Philippines and it gets several mixed reactions from different stakeholders in the country or Filipinos at large. Filipinos are expected to reduce their vices like alcoholism and smoking as a target result of this Bill. Aquino said the new law aims to favor both the government and the Filipino people since revenues to be generated from the measure will be used to fund health insurance programs for the poor, and build and renovate hospitals in the country. Most families of Filipinos especially those who are not residing in urban areas are farmers. The source of their livelihood is farming tobacco products and harvesting fermented liquors, in our dialect â€Å"tuba†. They are now the immediate concern that the government should consider upon the approval of this Bill. Higher taxes on tobacco products mean lesser income for these farmers. Especially, that they are not the owner of the lands they’re farming, they also pay lease for the lands. Unemployment is one of the possible outcomes of the Sin Tax Bill, especially on our farmers. If they become jobless, they likely can resort to different illegal activities just to provide for their family. The aim of the Sin tax Bill is to discourage smokers and alcoholics. But the problem here is that, especially on Filipinos who claim that these vices are addiction to them, they would still continue smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, to the point that they would sacrifice some of the immediate needs of their families just to sustain their wants. Filipinos are very steadfast on every endeavor they undertake. But they have this mindset that the Programs of the Government are not reaching the true and deserving beneficiaries, like farmers. They may not benefit from these health programs because in the first place they are not living in the cities where standard and quality health responses are located. Maybe these projects may be beneficial to the Filipinos but what of the immediate impact on these increases of taxes? Different Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverages companies might also decrease the salaries of their workers or lay-off employees because its production will become more expensive. It will really affect factory workers and even small-scale business owners. On the other hand, I think this Sin Tax Bill has its positive goals especially to the youth of the nations. Most consumers of these â€Å"sin goods† are youth. With the presence of this bill, there will be higher prices on different cigarettes and alcoholic drinks and since they cannot afford it, they will be discouraged to smoke and drink alcohols. Let’s just cross our fingers that the youth will not resort to illegal means just to continue their vices, especially the out-of-school-children-and-youths. Since they do not have a proper education, we should take it into account that OSCYs are more vulnerable to these vices and if they are not guided properly, this Sin Tax Bill will make sins bigger.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impacts Of Water Pollution On Humans

Impacts Of Water Pollution On Humans Pakistan is a developing country having urbanized population 33.5% with the increasing migration rate from rural to urban areas. The water pollution in Pakistan and especially in the major cities like Faisalabad is very high which has a variety of effects on economy, ecology and human health. Cost of pollution is very high because of environmental protection measures and improvement measures.The present study was undertaken to assess the different reasons that contribute to the water pollution. The aim of study was to portray the contribution of textile industry in water pollution and its impacts on the economy, human health and environment of Faisalabad (An industrial zone of Pakistan). Waste hierarchy model is used to combat the problem of water pollution. It includes different steps of integrated approach that can be helpful to manage waste pollution. Key Words: Pollution; Textile; Water; Human Health; Ecosystem; Economy INTRODUCTION Water is one of the main elements that are responsible for life on earth. Two-third of the earth surface is covered by water. But we have exploited, mistreated and contaminated this precious natural resource. Today we are very well aware of the term water pollution. It is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has harmful effects on any living organism that uses it (Brittanica encyclopedia). Everyday, 2 million tons of human wastes are disposed of into watercourses. In developing countries, 70 percent of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into water. And half of the worlds wetlands have been lost since 1900 (UN Programme for World Water Assessment, 2009). The problem of water pollution is increasing day by day in Pakistan. Vulnerability of safe drinking water is growing due to this pollution. It has also created a danger to human health. Water born diseases are common in Pakistan (Ilyas, 1998). According to Government of Pakistan, water born dise ases are 20-30 percent of all hospital cases (1999-200). All cities are the victim of this problem. But the situation is worst in the city of Faisalabad. It is the 3rd largest city of Pakistan. It is located in the province of Punjab. It has population more than 2 millions. It is the biggest industrial and textile zone of Pakistan. Water pollution has endangered the environment of the city. REASONS OF WATER POLLUTION There are different reasons of water pollution in Faisalabad i.e. sewerage system, solid waste, industry and pesticides. Textile Industry Most prominent reason of water pollution is the effluents from the textile industry. There are more than 40 textile mills and 6000 small power looms units in Faisalabd (Nosheen-Sofia, 2003).Power loom are small units that are spread in the whole city. The textile industry represents a range of industries with operations and processes that are diverse as its products. It is almost impossible to describe a typical textile effluent because of such diversity. Fabrics, after its manufacturing, are sent to several wet processes Collectively known as finishing and it is in these finishing operations these major waste effluents are produced (Abo-Elela et al., 1988). Most of the units in the city have no proper discharge system and recycling plants. They come through open channels and mix with clean water. This waste is highly alkaline in its nature. It affects the water and soil as well. There are many materials that can be found in the water, like chloride, sulphate and phenol. These contents of textile are growing at alarming level. A research conducted was by Nosheen, (above table) they collected many random samples of water that shows the amount of different materials in it.(2003) We can observe from the above data that the amount of chloride is more in the process of bleaching and the amount of sulphate is high in the process of mixing. Furthermore, we can see that the amount of phenol remained less in all process as compares to chloride and sulphate. According to Pakistan environmental protection agency 67% of collected samples of water were not suitable for drinking (2003). Textile effluent Source ( (ii) Pesticides Another reason for water pollution in this city is pesticides. Wheat and Cotton are the main grown crops of this region. Pesticides are widely used to control the pests in that area. These chemicals contain human made organic compounds. These chemicals can be migrated to surface water, local watersheds and ground water. Ground water is the major source of drinking water in many areas. Especially where canal and river water is not easily available. According to Hallberg, 40-50% drinking water is pumped through ground water (1998). When these chemicals mix into ground water they contaminate the water and pose threat to drinking water. A research conducted by Akhtar, shows the different amount of components that were present in the ground water of Faisalabad Sodium is in abundance in Faisalabad groundwater. It was estimated to be 660 Â ± 430 mg I-I. Only 14.52% samples were below the sodium guideline value of WHO i.e. 200 mg 1-1. Excessive intake of sodium in the form of sodium chloride may lead to vomiting and elimination of the salt. Acute effects may include convulsion, muscular twitching, rigidity, and pulmonary oedema (MSS, 1980). In the past DDT and its metabolites were also sprayed heavily. So their residues are found in the water. They have very harmful effects on water. So water is not safe for drinking in that zone (Tanabe,, 2000). (iii) Solid Waste Solid waste is another cause of water pollution. According to the resource conservation and recovery act of America, solid waste includes household waste and commercial waste collected by a municipality within a given area. Solid waste is a big problem in Faisalabd. According to the city district government of Faisalabad, 1275 tons of solid waste per day is generated in the city. But they are only able to collect 51% of solid waste from the total amount. They have no proper collection and transportation system. They also dump the waste into low depressions (performance report, 2009). They have no proper buffer zones to dump the solid waste. These lack of resources and mismanagement leads toward the water pollution because all the unlifted waste discharges into the water bodies. So water is contaminated with different harmful materials. When human drink this water can get many diseases. So the solid waste in many cities of world is damaging the quality of water. All above factories are responsible for water pollution and it has wide range of effects on environment, plants and humans. Solid waste Source ( EFFECTS OF WATER POLLUTION a. Human Health Residues of DDT have very harmful effects on humans. For example it can badly affect pregnant women. It can remain in the human milk. For example, Hussian, reported the residues of DDT and its degrading products in human milk in the city of Faisalabd. In this way they can produce negative impacts for the nourishment of child. These chemicals effect the whole generation. Other than DDT, many chemicals that are present in the effluents of textile mills produce wide range of diseases. According to Akhtar et al different samples were taken from the city variety of diseases were found. The percentage of Diarrhea, hepatitis and typhoid is more as compared to other diseases. Hair loss is one of the diseases that affect humans in that area. There are many contaminations that can cause it. But lead and selenium are the most prominent in it. When water travels from the old pipes, then led contaminate the water. It causes hair loss in the population. Plants Water pollution also affects the plants and agricultural crops. It disturbs the quality and quantity of plants. Polluted water contains different heavy metals in it. When this water is given to the plants they produce different abnormalities. Cadmium is the most toxic metal for plants followed by other metals like, Cu, Zn and Pb. Due to the presence of these metals in the water the intake of nutrients to plants is decreased. So it affects the growth of plant. In result, the protein content of plants decreases from 19-71.4 % (Akhtar , 2002). If the protein content is not sufficient then the quality of crop plant is not considered as good. Due to polluted water the amount of Algae is also increased in the water. It decreases the photosynthesis process of other plants and result into negative effects on the growth of other plants. They also disturb the biological oxygen demand level Ecosystem Pollution of water has also bad affect on ecosystem. The high chloride content kills some important microorganisms that are important in some food chains of aquatic life (Kumar, 1989). Some animal are very sensitive to water pollution. They absorb chemicals into the water through their skin. So they are badly affected from pollution. Some other insects that have ability to walk on water, they become unable to walk because of this pollution. Other young animals got physiological effects as suffocation and thinning of eggshells to the alteration of neurochemistry (Sean fears, 2009). If microorganisms are badly affected in this way then whole ecosystem may disturb because in an ecosystem each individual level has its own energy share. If some are killed the whole food chain may disturb and result into disaster for any ecosystem. Pollutant compounds are very toxic and are dangerous for fish even at very low level. Furthermore, when human eat this fish, they also get affected. Eventually, this process affects humans as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. Pollution from industries, sea ships, fertilizers and urban wastes is coming into water and spoiling the ecosystem (figure 3). Water is polluted due to industry, sewage and fertilizer run-off. This polluted water goes to the ecosystem and disturbs the whole ecosystem. It results into the death of algae and also plants. These two are also the sources of nutrients for fish. Polluted water also affects the fish. In a result it disturbs the whole ecosystem. WHY POLLUTION? WHO IS WINNING AND WHO IS LOOSING? Different scholars and researchers are in debate concerning the current conflicting position with regards to the environmental pollution, renewable and non-renewable resource utilization, environmental degradation, etc. Specifically, environmentalists and economists are becoming the prominent players in this debate (Ewijk and Wijnbergen, 1995). The issue of environmental sustainability is generally a crucial aspect of human life, which should need a common understanding and thereafter tangible action by the existing generation. Accordingly, the existing environmental problem is a result of improper human involvement in natural resource utilization. The advocate of intergenerational development requests the resilience of nature to its improved state with the introduction of healthy human-nature relationship. Currently, growing principle of self organization and maximum power are the mile stones for the introduction of new era in human-nature liaison (Odum, 2000). It is obvious that human need and want is much dependent on natural resources. All goods and service that are produced in an industry exploit varied types of natural resources. This indicates that human economic activity is directly linked with the environment. Besides, different economic growth theories are purely relied on the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services from natural resource in order to maintain better economic growth. Significantly, Lopez and A. Toman (2006) argued that, modern growth theory shows that not only environmental sustainability is potentially compatible with positive economic growth but also, and perhaps more importantly, the failure to achieve environmental sustainability may become an obstacle to sustained economic growth. In fact, the race for achieving economic growth among the nations resulted in over use of natural resource and challenged the well functioning of ecosystem in general. This statement point out a strong link betwe en the environment and economic growth and it absolutely indicates that our environment is the sole base for all human activity in different ways. Above figure shows although textile industry and pesticides industry has positive effect on economy. But both pollute water. This polluted water has adverse effects on human health, biodiversity and ecosystem. We have to spend lot of money to maintain human health, biodiversity and ecosystem. So these all measures put a negative effect on the economy. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGRY TRANSFORMATION PROCESS We should be given higher concern to the thoughts made by Odum (1995) and other environmentalists in order to come up with sustainable environment. We should investigate what the energy hierarchy concept says about sustainability. In the process of energy transformation, the potential energy is spent in production process to provide small output of available energy in different kind (Odum, 2000). This degraded energy in the process is a burden on environment and may result as a pollution for the environment. So it is necessary to prevent from these difficulties at the heart of the process ( Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, 1998). Therefore, pollution control decisions are made with little or no regard to the process that generates the waste. As Odum described that the control inputs have much effect on the output of the process (2007). This perspective gave rise to prepackaged menus of solutions from which options can be chosen and added to the periphery of the process to address environmental problems. Unfortunately, this approach addresses the symptoms of the problem without dealing with the root cause of the environmental problem which lies at the core of the process. It includes several practices like equipment modification, design and operational changes of the process, reformulation or redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and use of environmentally benign chemical reactions. (Mahmoud. M. El-Halwagi, 1998). In conclusion by using these practices we can make the transformation process more efficient and it will reduce the amount of degraded energy. ECONOMICS OF WATER POLLUTION AND INDUSTRY Industry is the main source of water pollution in the city of Faisalabad. There are more than 40 textile mills and 6000 small power looms units in Faisalabd (Nosheen-Sofia, 2003). This industry discharge different types of effluents that cause major financial loss to the system. -Destruction of ecosystem -Diseases of human and plants -Starvation, poverty and social conflicts Changes in the quality of water Industry Emissions Financial losses (Prices of raw material) Income losses Raw material consumption Modified availability of raw material Improvement measures Environmental protection measures Costs Costs Fig. 5 Economic accounting of water pollution Source (Environmental economic accounting Available at. German Environmental, property=file.pdf) Above diagram shows the industry as a source of change in the quality of water and the consumption of raw material. This change in the quality of water may disturb the ecosystem. It can also spread diseases in human and plants. The shortage of raw material can create starvation. Cost of pollution is very high that is shown at two stages. At first stage due to adoption of environmental protection measures and then the adopt ion of improvement measures to remove the harmful effects of pollution and industry. CONCEPTUAL MODEL TO MANAGE WATER POLLUTION I think there are many ways to combat the water pollution in any area. First of all, integrated approach may be used. I think we should focus on different technology options with different community based approach. We should device that policy that can work for the uplift of whole community. if we divide the management strategy into different steps then we can combat the pollution in an efficient way. Figure 6, below shows the different management steps that can be utilized to manage pollution. This model is also called the waste hierarchy model. This model gives us a clear picture of management steps according to their importance. Fig.6 Waste Hierarchy Model The waste hierarchy refers to the 3Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle strategies according to their desirability. The 3Rs are meant to be a hierarchy, in order of importance. Waste Prevention If we avoid making the waste in the first place then we wont have to use resources recycling and disposing of it. Avoid over packaged products, if you have a choice get the one with the least packaging that you have to put in your black bin Concentrates are packaged in smaller bottles less damage to the environment. Avoid Disposables, as the name suggests they are meant to be thrown away instead of cleaning with a paper towel use a cloth inst Reuse Often we can reuse items that we have such as carrier bags, also other may be able to reuse items that we do not want. Auction Websites are an easy way of selling items you dont want. youd be amazed at What people will pay for. Charity Shops take lots more than just clothes if you contact them with all the items youve have they will tell you what they can take. (c) Recycle Discards are separated into materials that may be incorporated into new products. This is different from Reuse in that energy is used to change the physical properties of the material. Initiatives include Composting, Beverage Container Deposits and buying products with a high content of post-consumer. (d) Disposal If we produce less waste then we have to dispose of less waste into the landfill. Source ( CONCLUSION Water is a unique natural resource. But we have exploited and contaminated this natural resource. So many countries of the world are facing water pollution. It is a great challenge to the sustainability of our environment. Sustainability should be taken as distinctive and wide-ranging criterions which guide global development. It is noticeable that currently, the major supply of energy is fossil fuel which is non-renewable. Furthermore, the level of environmental pollution is too high due to high rate of carbon gas emission. This allows the system to reward the environment in unfair way for the damage and it is not based on what the environment is serving the economic system as a whole. Apparently, economists put forward an opposing approach to define sustainability by limiting inter-temporal welfare of human being. Every country has its own specific causes of water pollution. It may vary from industries, solid waste to overuse of pesticides. Being a biggest textile zone of Pakistan, Faisalabad is facing a severe problem of water pollution. Textile effluents are discharging into the water because of mismanagement and lack of infrastructure. Many other factors are contributing to this water pollution like solid waste and overuse of pesticides. This water pollution has severe outcomes. It produces different abnormalities in plants, animals and human beings. We can combat with water pollution by adopting different measures. We can decrease the intensity of problem by using integrated management approach that can work for the development of whole community. We can save the water by imposing new regulations and laws for the polluters. We also need to change our way of thinking about the world and the use of natural resources. In this way we can save a better future for our upcoming generations.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Buddhism in Fight Club Essay -- Literary Analysis

â€Å"Whenever we find one who has come unscathed through every test in childhood, youth, and manhood, we shall set him as a Ruler to watch over the commonwealth; he will be honoured in life, and after death receive the highest tribute of funeral rites and other memorials.† Great philosophers like Plato and Machiavelli raised a lot of arguments in how a true guardian is like. Although there have been some oppositions on how guardians should execute duties, it is noticeable that both philosophers agree that a true guardian is more than just a leader. A true guardian assumes active responsibility to the society of which he or she is part. As discussed in Plato’s The Republic and Machiavelli’s The Prince, guardians are leaders that don’t own any possessions and they are active in ruling the society. True guardians are enlightened from shadows of lies. These rulers desire to offer his people a better world to live in. True Guardians must be very skillful in fighting. Siddhartha Gautama is a great example of a true guardian. 'Siddhattha Gautama' means descendant of Gotama who is efficacious in achieving aims. He later became known as Buddha, which means "one who is intuitive, awakened, or enlightened." But how does one achieve enlightenment and what do you do after gaining it? Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini, near the Nepalese-Indian border. Asita, a famous wise sage, predicted that he would become a great king or a great religious teacher. Siddhartha’s father, King Suddhodana, wished for his son to be a king so he shielded him from religious teachings or any knowledge of human sufferings. King Suddhodana evidently thought that any contact with unpleasantness might prompt Siddartha to seek a life of renunciation as a religious... ...mber 8, 2010, Sanderson Beck, â€Å"Buddha and Buddhism,† accessed December 8, 2010, Buddhist-Tourism.Com, â€Å"Buddhism Statistics,† accessed December 8, 2010, Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2005), 46. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2005), 41. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2005), 43. Robin Chew, â€Å"The Essences of Buddha’s Teachings, accessed December 6, 2010, Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2005), 48-49., â€Å"Do Not Believe in Anything,† accessed December 10, 2010,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Competitve advantage Essay

â€Å"A firm that already has sustained competitive advantage in its domestic market may not have the same advantage in an overseas market. Discuss the issues that this creates for a firm, and how it might exploit its resource advantages to secure successful market entry and create competitive advantage in a new overseas market.† With the global trade network more integrated, according to Pearce and Robinson (2009), firms tend to enter foreign market to gain more profit due to the maturity of domestic market, excess capability, and potential purchasing power in foreign market. Therefore, as a firm has already achieved success in its domestic country it might consider enter a new market. Before it operates in a new market, it has to consider the barrier of market entry, such as the barrier of political, social, economic or technology in a new market. And as foreign entry decision (Peng, 2009) model presents three aspects: where, when and how should be considered before enter in a new market. In addition, as a manager of a company should adjust its competitive advantage to adapt different market. Based on the study of Hill (2013), changes in the forces which include macroeconomics, social, technological, global, political and legal, and demographic may give great influence in competitive force model. Therefore, the ability of a firm to solve problems by the impact of different forces then build new competitive advantage by its resource advantage and competences significant as it enters a new overseas market. This essay will present some specific example of the firms which may enter a new overseas market and face different issues during the process of entering a new market and offer solutions to each issue. Price wars are common in any industry which is a common issue to be considered before enter a new overseas market, moreover, base on five force framework, in order to increase the ability of competing with rivals in industry, the ability of rivalry among competitors is one of the forces. Primark is one of the most successful fashion retailers in British. Its competitive advantage is from its low price. In another word, it gains profit from the cost leader strategy. (Hooley & Piercy ,2008). India is one of the biggest developing countries in the world. It has large population wh ich means India has a huge potential market for Primark. As reported by  BBC (2013) Recently, India government has opened up its retail market to foreign companies to stimulate its economic. Assume Primark enter the market of India, it may face competitive rivals, such as H&M and Gap. It has to maintain its competitive advantage and improves the ability of efficiency of cost .However, as a company which relies on low cost supplier, first of all, it has to decrease the barging power of supplier, thanks to the large population in India, it is not only providing a huge market for Primark but also offering a powerful labor resource to it. It offer an exactly social force to exploit its resource advantage and strategic fit in market of India.(Grant,2007) According to value chain study, reducing the cost of individual cost driver and reemployment could offer cost advantage to a firm. (Thompson & Martin, 2010) Primark could outsource to different local manufactures and create competition among them. In order to reduce the bargaining power of local supplier, Primark should deduce the dependence of a certain supplier. A good experience of Wal-Mart (Peng, 2009) could be used to Primark, it set up a policy within company which prevents any supplier offer more than 3% of its purchase. Furthermore, Primark should constrain those factories by contracts to prevent them copy the product and become both supplier and rivals. Primark might gain profit from controlling the cost and matching the opportunities in the external environment eventually enter a new overseas market. Before enter a new overseas market, the culture is always a considerable problem for a firm. Different countries have different belief, values, and behavior depend on their national culture.(Rugman & Collison) Furthermore, a firm should think about where to enter, base on Institution-based considerations on country risk.(Peng, 2009) It should evaluate the culture distance from its domestic country to a oversea market, moreover, taking advantage of common cultural, language, and historical ties.(Makino& Tsang,2011) If a firm enters a different cultural environment from its domestic and it may lose its competitive advantage. Therefore, when a firm enters a new market, it should not only focus it competitive advantage but also match the requirement of local people and adjust its strategy to current situation. Disneyland built the sixth Disneyland in Shanghai and it will operate in 2015. Consider it is as a cross culture theme park, it should learn the experience of other Disneyland in other countries. French Disneyland (Trigg, 1995) which has not reach its  expectation. It failed in France because it used English as official language in it which annoyed French, alcohol was forbidden in French Disneyland and this policy against the behavior of local people. What is more, it had conflict with farmers for land expropriation and caused opposition in France. Another example to support the argument is Tesco. Tesco lost 1.8 billion in USA, a lot of factors led to its failure, and one of the most important factors is Americans having different eating habits from European. Tesco has not considered it and eventually fail in a different culture environment. In order to gain profit in different culture markets, a firm should improve its abilities of adaption to a specific national market and blend global standardization and local adaption. For example, McDonald’s gained great competitive advantage from its global strategy (Grant, 2010). Although the menus of McDonald’s include globally items, likes happy meals, however, in different counties it ha s locally items. Considering about local relevance and find a balance point between global standardization and local adaption could maintain competitive advantage in a new culture market. In addition, to compete with first-mover in a new market is an important risk to a firm. Late entrants may face entry barrier which set by first-mover and hard to gain market share. Furthermore, the relationship between first-mover and local government maybe stable. (Peng, 2009) Kindle e-book reader is an electronic product was launched by Amazon from 2007 which linked to the electronic books. If Kindle enters Korean market, it would face some powerful competitors. The most competitive rivals is Galaxy Tab of Samsung as well as it have already gained great market share in Korea. In order to compete with Samsung, differentiation strategy could be used by Kindle. Innovation is the most competitive advantage of the technology industry. In another word, kindle should focus on its unique resource which is the large amoun t of e-resources of Amazon. This tangible source could attract customer and create the demand of customer. By increasing its dynamic capabilities by updating its organizational knowledge, accepting different ideas and developing the blend of tacit and explicit knowledge in a new market. (Wall, et al.2010). Besides, Kindle can evaluate the market of Korea which based on the current situation of Samsung before it enters this market and predicts the potential risk and makes some measures in advance. Moreover, late entrances could  cooperate with the first- mover to share the fixed assets to reduce the cost of entering a new market. As for small-medium companies, one of the biggest problems is the scale of the companies cannot support high risk of entering overseas market and they can afford the huge capital. P.van Dam & Zn. BV is family business with less than 30 staff which exports fresh flower and wholesale company in Netherlands. The competitive advantage of P.van Dam & Zn. BV is flexible to response the requ irement of customer. Customer could order flowers by their official website, telephone or E-mail them and customer can contact specialize staff in each step, in other word, P.van Dam & Zn. BV contact customers personally. It can react rapidly and fit the demand of customers. If it wants to enter UK market, it may export directly since the size of it is really small and it prefer to take whole controlling of distribution. The small scale of entry is suitable for them and the best entry mode of this kind of small companies is exporting. It is not only reducing the cost of entering overseas but also get better control over distribution. (Peng, 2009) After a company enters a new market, According to Industry-based consideration on the degree of competitiveness (Peng, 2009), one of potential risks is substitute. For example, Lipton is one of the most competitive brands in China and became the best sale in tea market in five years. The core competence of Lipton is the sensitivity of the requirement of customer (Chanston, 2012). Lipton invests a lot on researching the tendency of tea and the preferences of customer as well as setting up a data base and in different countries. It combined the tea and the life of target customers together. Base on the VRIO framework (Peng , 2009), value, rarity, robustness and Non-substitutability to keep sustainable competitive advantage, Lipton brings a health and new style of drinking tea to Chinese market which also brings value to its brand. Besides, it is will cost a lot to copy the operating model of Lipton. In addition, the healthy image has been accepted by costumers, some substitutes such as coke, juice can’t take place of it. Therefore, increasing the ability of each element in VRIO framework and improve the sustainable competitive could avoid the threat of potential substitute in new market. In conclusion, this essay has covered some major issues when a firm enters a new market, price issue, culture issue, first-mover issue small-medium size company issue and substitute issue. And give some specific companies as examples to explain how to gain  competitive advantage to response to each issue. For example, Shanghai Disney should blend global standardization and local adaption to get competitive advantage in a new market. A firm should change or improve its competitive advantage as it enter a foreign market, otherwise, it will loss the opportunities and fail in a new overseas market. References: BBC (2013). H&M wins final approval to invest in India. [Online] Available at <> Accessed 4th January 2014. Grant, R (2010) Contemporary strategy Analysis: Text and Cases (7th ed). A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Pubilication Grant, R (2007) Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concept, Techniques, Applications (6th ed). Wiley Blackwell Edition Hill, J (2013). Theory of Strategic Management (10th ed).International Edition Hooley, G. Piercy, N(2008) Marketing Strategy and competitive positioning(4th ed). Prentice Hall Edition Peng, W(2009) Global strategic management(2th ed). International student Edition Pearce, J.& Robinson, R. (2009). Formulation, implementation& control of competitive strategy (11th ed ). McGraw. Hill international Edition Rugman, A. & Collinson,S (2009) International Business( 5th ed) Prentice Hall Edition. Thompson, J.& Martin, F.(2010) Strategic Management : Awareness and Change(6th ed) South-western Edition Trigg, M. &Trigg, D( 1995) â€Å" Disney’s European theme park adventure: a clash of cultures† Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal. Vol2.No.2. PP.13-22 Makino, S.& Tsang, E(2011) Historical ties and foreign direct investment, JIBS, 42:545-557 Wall, S. Zimmermann, C. Klingebiel, R.& Lange,D. (2010)Strategic Reconfigurations: Building Dynamic Capabilities in Rapid Innovation-based Industries. Mixed sources edition.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Harlem Renaissance is a convenient metaphor

The Harlem Renaissance is a convenient metaphor for the artistic and intellectual explosion that took place during the sass and sass. Discuss. By Tanya Monkish-Benefit Kerr The Harlem Renaissance remains one of the most momentous creative movements in American history, exceeding its original importance to one specific interest group and hence cannot be looked upon simply as a convenient metaphor. This essay will show that in addition to the eruption of creativity, the Harlem Renaissance should be acknowledged for its significant contribution to changing the self-perception of theNegro in America in such a positive and significant way that eventually transformed the Harlem Renaissance into the Civil Rights Movement of the sass's and changed the identity of America forever. The renaissance served to create a perception of distinctiveness among African Americans, at the same time, compelling white America to acknowledge the significance of an ethnic group far too long seen as inferior.T he Harlem Renaissance may be defined as an eruption of creativity overflowing from the gifted minds of African-Americans between the sass and sass; though in truth, it was the center of focus for the ratification and plasticization of a marginalia populace as much as it was an artistic movement. Even though mostly considered an African-American literary movement, the Harlem Renaissance stretched far beyond books and poetry to embrace art, dance, and music.The creative minds of blacks behind the Harlem Renaissance used creative expression to make an important impact on all aspects of society, while at the same time providing African-Americans with their first sense of distinctiveness not defined by slavery. Embracing creative arts, individuals sought to re-conceptualize â€Å"the Negro' apart from the white stereotypes that had influenced black peoples' relationship to their culture and to one another.They also sought to break free of Victorian ethical values and conformist shame ab out aspects of their lives that might strengthen racist opinions by whites. Never controlled by a specific school of thought but rather characterized by powerful debates, this movement laid the foundation for all later African American literature and had a huge influence on succeeding black literature and consciousness internationally.While the Harlem Renaissance was certainly not restricted to New York City, Harlem enticed a significant concentration of intellect and talent; therefore, it served as the symbolic capital of cultural development. During the 20th century, approximately six million African-Americans escaped the remunerative hardships and harsh segregationist laws of the South and migrated northward to metropolises in an effort to obtain Jobs and economic stability as well as searching for a more racially open-minded society. Winter estimated that 175,000 of these African-Americans settled in New York City.To attach an unambiguous commencement to the Harlem Renaissance b y singling out one precise text can only serve to spark debates since black authors had been published since the 19th century; however, the difference that makes the Harlem Renaissance effortlessly definable as a defining moment was the range of issues that black writers covered as its onset. The true origin of this Renaissance is not in any single work that sparked a revolution, but in the various and multiple congregations of mutual interests by those yearning to showcase the remarkable surge of creativeness via the publication of literary magazines and books.Crucial to the movement were Gaines such as the Crisis, published by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Opportunity, published by the National Urban League; and The Messenger, a socialist Journal eventually connected with the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, a black labor union. These groups attracted many Negro intellectuals who were particularly upset with the rise in violence agains t blacks in the United States; therefore, theses organization became the driving force for changing the status quo of the Negro.This mutual need to help one another was a primeval component in changing the movement from a purely literary dominant into one that incorporated all fine arts; it also played an important role in turning the Harlem Renaissance into a search for a new identity for an ethnic group previously defined by centuries of oppression. Although the artists created vivacious and lasting works of literature, art and music, the Harlem Renaissance quickly became Just as important for the way in which it gave African-Americans a real culture and a pride in acknowledging and embracing that culture.Prior to this era, the representations of African-Americans in American literature were that of the illiterate and inferior peasant who made his or her living in the dirt of the cotton fields. The intellects contributed to the importance of the Harlem Renaissance by understanding and contributing to its purpose in creating positive role models for the Negro everywhere. One of the most important traits of the Harlem Renaissance is that teamwork was considered a better way to help individual works rather than to compete.An intuitive sense that any single artistic effort was going to define all others created an effort by everyone involved to create a cultural tapestry that served not Just other artists, but audiences as well. In reality, this cultural movement essentially created the idea of the black intellectual for both Americans and Europeans. Furthermore, the creation of the â€Å"New Negro† in Harlem represented the liberation of the last relics of chattel slavery, those of low esteem and even uncertainty and self-revulsion.Appraisers, however, query whether the Renaissance actually accomplished its goals of creating a new identity for the Negro separated from the history of slavery. One of the denunciations is that by trying to create a distinct culture detached from the past cruelties and even the influence of Anglo- European customs it succeeded only in alienation. A more powerful denunciation is that the Harlem Renaissance duplicated only the specific identity of the middle class, intelligent elites of an ethnic group trying to sway its background and views on a population still dominated by lower-class and illiterate people.Yet, another criticism is that the very goal of forging an identity for an entire ethnic group and socially enlightening them was utterly impractical because the vast numbers of African Americans were mostly oblivious of it or knew it only as history. The foundation of all eroticism of the Harlem Renaissance is that it encloses an inevitable element of two- fixedness in that it tried to produce a distinct identity that was centered primarily on the conformist beliefs indoctrinated by its intellectual and artistic leaders from a white society and educational system.In fact, the central theme that can be concluded from all of the criticism is that it tried to accomplish little more than a black representation of the white middle class establishment. What is not up for argument is the actual value of the artistic contributions of the era. James Weldon Johnson is an iconic figure in the initiation of the Harlem Renaissance both as writer and editor. He had written the contentious Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man and had also edited the book of American Negro Poetry.This collection showcased quite a few of the Renaissances most artistic poets, including Longboats Hughes, a man who became legendary in the literary world, Hughes possessed a passion for music and functioned as a medium by showcasing the importance of traditional black folk music. Zorn Neal Hurst published a literary magazine that collapsed almost immediately because of funding issues, but was influential nevertheless. Hurst later achieved immortality with her book Their Eyes were Watching God.Literature was not the only art that defined the Harlem Renaissance. In fact, the music of the era may have been more significant in defining the uniqueness of the common Negro than the literary accomplishments. The music became a channel of communication, while providing inspiration to the literary achievements of writers and dramatists. Jazz surged into the arena of respectability and became symbolic as the essence of the urban way of life. The first Jazz performers were Bessie Smith, Duke Elongating, Charlie Parker and Billie Holiday.Added to this, Longboats Hughes specifically set out to bridge the gap between music and literature by adding the rhythms of Jazz into his poetry while Claude McKay used the ambiance of Jazz in his novel, Home to Harlem. Harlem Renaissance, therefore, epitomizes an attempt to combine artistic channels to construct an identity of artistic expression which is often views as the apex of human creation. It is from this view point that the Renaissance can be propelled to being much more than a metaphor which speaks to comparison, but ether this makes the Renaissance an exemplary worthy of imitation.The visual arts were also a vital component in stimulating the notion of a universality of individuality among blacks during the Harlem Renaissance. Aaron Douglas was head of the Department of Art at Fish University, where he exercised substantial influence over up and coming artists. He truly embraced the status of being the most important visual artist during the glory days of Harlem Renaissance, focusing on large murals that brought to the fore the accomplishments of African-Americans all through history.Douglas showed one of the undercurrents that drove the Harlem Renaissance, which was calling attention to value and contributions of blacks to the advancement of America. Implicit in that goal was the even greater goal of spurring future generations to even greater accomplishments and pride in their culture. Surely, the most long-lasting effect of the Harlem Renaissance may have been the one which entrenched upon the education of African Americans. The innovative endeavor of Negroes proved that stereotype of black inferiority was null and void.The enlightening legacy of the Harlem Renaissance was not simply one in which more lacks saw the significance of education but it was one which saw an intensification in the importance and availability of high education. After the renaissance, more African Americans than ever, enrolled in colleges and universities. However, it was not Just the pursuit of education that the movement inspired; it was the type of education that African Americans obtained.Since the socio-political actualities of racism divided America either indirectly or openly in nearly every work of literature produced during this period, the Harlem Renaissance is acknowledged for generating militancy borne by that pursuit of knowledge. Anytime a people, who is exposed to an education system at a level they have been deprived of, it is only expected that certain quarters to identify the radical aspects of the denial of that education. Hence, there was a beginning of consciousness among African Americans across America that agreements made had not been kept from Reconstruction through World War I.The Renaissance essentially had the effect of deepening the sense of unfair discrimination by displaying how it could be achieved through much more indirect methods than chattel slavery or the Jim Crow Laws. A significant amount of the intellects of the movement urged that discrimination of this type be challenged and overcome. It could only be through education that the real issues African Americans met in a racially divided world could be dealt with, and as such the literature and art of this period forced black audiences to become to embrace education so that they could understand what they were reading or looking at.During the period of the Harlem Renaissance, African-Americans for the first time had an honest re ason to experience pride and rejoice in their identity. Out of Harlem came works of literary, casual and fine arts that spoke of the contribution of their race and forced white supremacist groups to accept their contributions. In that moment in time, the entire world looked at Harlem as the future of artistic expression. The artistic works were grasped by scholars as a meaner of showcasing the idea that African-Americans no longer needed to classify themselves with a history of suppression and subsidiaries.The Harlem Renaissance produced novelists, poets, artists and musicians who are today considered some of the finest that America ever produced, regardless of the lour of one's skin. That, in fact, may be the ultimate achievement of the Harlem Renaissance. After the tremendous flood of artistic accomplishments that crossed every medium available, these Negro men and women and the works they created could no longer be treated with the grudging respect of great African-American art.T oday the finest books, poems, music and artwork are universally recognized as simply great American art. Thus, in addition to the burst of creativity in the artistic and intellectual explosion, the Harlem Renaissance should be recognized for its nutrition to changing the self-image of the Negro; a rise in self-esteem that would eventually transform into the Civil Rights Movement of the sass and changed the identity of America forever.Indeed it was not a convenient metaphor but a celebration of African American heritage and cultural expression that continues to have positive effects on the social, intellectual and economic stature of African Americans and the Diaspora. Bibliography 1. Bio True Story, Aaron Douglas Biography. 2. Houston Koala, Harlem. 3. Huggins Nathan, Harlem Renaissance (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971) . Kramer Victor and Robert Russ, Harlem Renaissance Re-Examined (New York: Whitish Publishing Company, 1997) 5.Rhodes Henry, Yale-New Haven Teachers Institut e. The Social Contribution of the Harlem Renaissance. 6. Achiest Duncan, Twelve Lives in Jazz. Http://www. Pit. Du/?defeater/Jazz/articles/ACHIEST. HTML 7. Sexton Timothy, The Harlem Renaissance: A Research Paper. 8. The Great Migration. Black History -History. Com. 9. Thomas Terry, Afar-Cobra: A Black Revolutionary Arts Movement and Arts for People's Sake.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Irony in The Workbox essays

Irony in The Workbox essays In the Workbox by Thomas Hardy, there are many ironic points in which the author has given us. This poem is filled with irony, yet there are mainly two types of irony that I see happening again and again. These two types of irony are verbal and cosmic irony. I have still yet to find dramatic and situational irony even though I have read this poem many times. I believe that the author put so many ironic points in it because he wanted the reader to think. In order for us to even get a glimpse of what he is trying to express, we must use critical thinking. I will first start off with the cosmic irony. Cosmic irony is a twist of fate, fate with a sense of humor. In this poem it seems to me that the cosmic irony was at first where a man made a workbox out of some wood that he got from someones coffin. He then gave the workbox to a woman who knew the dead guy in the coffin. I warrant it will. And longer too. Tis a scantling that I got Off poor John Waywards coffin, who Died of they knew not what. That is very ironic because out of anyones coffin she had to know that guy. Not only know him but he came from her native town. We see that she knows him when she says The shingled pattern that seems to cease Against your boxs rim Continues right on in the piece Thats underground with him. This shows that she knows him because how else would she know what his coffin looks like unless she was at the funeral. The key to this irony is not that she just knew him, but that she killed him. And out of every piece of wood that he would use, he used J ohn Waywards . Now that is cosmic irony. Now to the verbal irony, there is much verbal irony that helps us more understand the poem. Unless you were an uncritical thinker in which verbal irony will only confuse you more, as It did to me in the beginning. Verbal irony is where you say something but mean the opposite. The verbal...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History Of Chile essays

History Of Chile essays The native inhabitants of Chile are a people called the Araucanos. When Chile was first discovered in 1520 by Portuguese explorer Magellen most of Chile was dominated by these people. This Native American tribe was known for their remarkable fighting ability's. Chile was discovered Pedro de Valdivia ,Diego de Almargo and Ferdinand Magellen . Magellen landed on the Chilo Island following his voyage in 1520 through a strait which now bears his name . When Chile was discovered by Magellen it was called Tchili meaning "snow" . Pedro de Valdivia led a second expedition into southern Chile in 1540. Valdivia overcame the fierce resistance of the Araucanos and succeeded in establishing several settlements. These settlements included Santiago in 1541,Santiago is now the capital of Chile, Concepcin in 1550, and Valdivia in 1552. However only 3 years after Vabliva set up his first settlement in Chile the Araucanians organized and in a successful uprising killed Valdivia and many of his followers leaving only Concepcin The monetary unit used in Chile is one that is used in so many different Hispanic countries, this monetary unit is called the Peso. The present governmental status of Chile is a Republican one. The executive branch of the Chilean government holds 3 branches which are chief of state, head of government and a cabinet. The chief of state and head of government role is played by the same person which is elected by popular vote for a six year term. The last election was held on December 12,1999 in which presiding president Ricardo Lagos Escobar won by only three percent of the votes against Joaquin Lavin. The cabinet is appointed by the residing president for the length of his six year term. The legislative branch is made up of a bicameral Congreso Nacional of Senado. This ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Benefits of Sustainability Driven Innovation

Monitoring system is effective for an organization to understand whether they are following the proper method or taking the right steps to achieve the goal that have been set by the organization (Werbach, 2013). The indicators in the monitoring system can be pared to the factors that will help in understanding whether the motoring system is helping the organization to understand whether they are fooling the right path. The monitoring system should be able to measure the output that will reflect the strategies that have been set by the organization (Ferguson & Souza, 2016). The monitoring system will be able to identify the main problem that will be faced by an organization while they are operating in the market. The monitoring system needs to be iodated regularly so that the employers can keep a track of the changes that are taking place in the organization. The monitoring system should be user-friendly so that the management can easily use it. The employees should not need any extra training to operate it. The pany should not have to bear any cost to run the monitoring system. Even if they have to bear any cost, then the system should be cost-effective enough so that they do not have to plan any extra expenditure to implement the monitoring system. Not only the monitoring system but also the indicators should be effective so that the monitoring system will be helpful to identify the strength and weakness of the organization (Sloan, Klingenberg & Rider, 2013). The indicators should be relevant. The indicators should be able to show the things that the organization need to know. The indicators should be easy to understand. The employees should be needing any extra training to understand the meaning of the indicators. The organization should not have to hire any expert to understand the indicators. The employees of the organization as well as the employer should be able to trust the indicators. The indicators should be reliable and highlight the correct data needed by the organization. Any wrong information given by the indicators will take the organization in some other direction. The indicators should not be consisting of those data that cannot be accessed by the people of the organization. The data should be accessible that wil l make up the indicators. The organization should have the time to act if the indicators show something is wrong. Indicators cannot be called effective if that does not give time for the employees and the employer to make things right after they have noticed something wrong. Rio Tinto needs a proper management system mainly because of two reasons. They have to go up the dunphy scale. Secondly, to go up the dunphy scale, they have need funds that could help them to implement more sustainable measures. The indicators of the monitoring system that will measure the actions of Rio Tinto should keep in mind the profit as well as sustainability to help them go up the Dunphy’s scale. They need to keep a check on the profit to see that whether their steps are enhancing the business. They need to keep a check on the employee engagement and so that there is balance between the urban employees and the aboriginal employees. The certifications by the external organization are necessary as they will help them to spread their goodwill gestures and help them acquire more clients and finances for their business. The Dunphy’s scale is the best way to measure whether the business of an organization is sustainable enough. Rio Tinto has taken many measure towards sustainable development if the business. Some are directed towards the environment while some are socio-cultural in nature (Beckmann, Hielscher & Pies, 2014). They have taken steps to make help the aboriginal as a many parts of the land that are possessed by the aboriginals are being used by the organization for mining purpose (Riotinto , 2017). Following is the Dunphy’s scale: The sustainable development of Rio Tinto is worth mentioning and they aim at developing a socio-cultural development of the society. They help in development of the aboriginals who are living in the area and working with the organization (Sidiropoulos, 2014). The aboriginal were ill-treated when in the year, 1963 when the Mapoon mission was closed even after the discovery of bauxite reserve in the year, 1955. The contribution of the indigenous people like Old Matthew (Wakmatha) and George Wilson (Piiramu) was not overlooked after the mission was halted. Six years down the lane after the incident took palce, tio tinto is workimnh in close contact with the aboriginals. Some of the agreements that have helped in the partnership of Rio Tinto and the aboriginals are: Status of Rio Tinto is at the ‘efficiency’ stage of the Dunphy’s scale. The human sustainability is stresses upon in the efficiency stage of the Dunphy’s scale. Rio Tinto aims at development with the help of the aboriginals (Riotinto , 2017). The ratio of the aboriginals who are working for the organization is not in balance with the area that is being used for the operations of the pany. 60 percent of the land that are under the aboriginals are used to get the minerals but only 6 percent of the population are involved in the workforce. The place is hugely exploited by Rio Tinto to mine the metals and hence, it is necessary that the workforce should have more aboriginals. Even though Rio Tinto is planning to incorporate for aboriginals in their business, yet they are unable to find a way that will help in reducing the exploitation of the environment. The main aim of involving the aboriginals in their program is to take their help to get an idea for land rehabilitation program. The idea of land rehabilitation is in the pipeline and the involvement of the aboriginals will be helpful as they could tell the ways to restore nature even after mining the land to extract the metals and the minerals. Rio Tinto can be said to be in the efficiency phase as they are not able to implement any such idea to restore the land but the discussions are still on to get such an idea. They are employing the aboriginal, which is a good step but they are not able to employ a huge number of people. The aboriginals should be employed in huge numbers as they are exploiting their land and they have the best idea about the land (Buxel, Esenduran & Griffin, 2015). The main aim of every organization should be to reach phase six of the scale but the phase six, which is the sustaining corporation phase. However, the phase has been considered to be too abstract and is not possible in reality (Kiron   et al., 2013). The employer would then be left with minimum profit to support the employees who are working in the organization (Sharma & Hart, 2014). Hence, Rio Tinto should aim at reaching phase 5, which is the strategic sustainability phase. The organization should have diversity at workplace by balancing the workforce (Wagner & Svensson, 2014). There should be equal number of aboriginals and urban employees. The aboriginals do not receive proper training and specific skills to get employment. Hence, it will be the duty of Rio Tinto to educate the people and help them get a job in the organization. They do receive preliminary education but the skills that are needed for mining jobs. It is the duty of the organization to teach the aboriginals about the mining techniques and help them get a job. In this way, they will be able to attain the strategic sustainability phase. The organization has been able to witness a reduction of 30% in the indigenous turnover. Environmental concerns, which is another area that should be taken into consideration (Sloan, Klingenberg & Rider, 2013). If more number of aboriginal populations is employed in the organization, they will be able to know the ways that will help them save the land of t he aboriginals even after mining is done (Werbach, 2013). Rio Tinto is a British-Australian multinational mining pany with its headquarters in London, United Kingdom (Riotinto , 2017). The pany consisted of Rio Tinto Plc, which is a London and New York stock exchange pany and Rio Tinto Limited, which is an Australian Securities Exchange. The business of Rio Tinto is based on four factors: They aim at finding the mineral resources and deliver them to the customers and the clients. They value the shareholders of the pany and work to deliver the best returns with the help of the assets of the pany and projects that they take up for the clients. As far as the workforce is concerned, Rio Tinto possesses 55,000 employees. The operations of the organization are spread in 40 countries and the employees work in strong teams. The organization always follows the motto of safety first when it es to the employees. They believe in innovation and the employees work hard to make those innovations a reality and never steps back from learning something. The major products for Rio Tinto are industrial minerals like salt, titanium dioxide and borates. Other major products are gold, aluminum, diamonds and copper (Riotinto , 2017). The metals that are mined by Rio Tinto are converted into end-products and those products are used for development of the living standards and other economic developments of the society. The innovations that are applied to work are not limited to work. Innovations are applied for sustainable development. The organization faces with various challenges like climate change, regional munity development, resource scarcity and munity employment. The best part of Rio Tinto is that the organization does not see the challenges as challenges but opportunities. They aim at getting over the challenges and help in developing a sustainable business. After going through the case of Rio Tinto and placing it on the Dunphy’s Scale it can be concluded that the organization is performing well as it is on the efficiency phase of the scale. The pany involves the aboriginals in their business as most of their land has been used for the mining purposes. However, there is a huge gap between the number of urban employees as and the aboriginal employees. In addition to this, the land exploitation is affecting the environment. It can be said once they employee more aboriginal employees, they will help in giving ides to save the land. The monitoring system suggests that they need to keep a check on the profit, the employee engagement and the result of the external organization. The development plan includes the business model canvas, which will help Rio Tinto to go up from the ‘efficiency’ phase to ‘strategic sustainability’ phase. Beckmann, M., Hielscher, S., & Pies, I. (2014). mitment Strategies for Sustainability: How Business Firms Can Transform Trade?Offs Into Win–Win Ou es.  Business Strategy and the Environment,  23(1), 18-37. Buxel, H., Esenduran, G., & Griffin, S. (2015). Strategic sustainability: Creating business value with life cycle analysis.  Business Horizons,  58(1), 109-122. Ferguson, M. E., & Souza, G. C. (Eds.). (2016).  Closed-loop supply chains: new developments to improve the sustainability of business practices. CRC Press.,. (2017).  About GRI. Retrieved 10 January 2017, from,. (2017).  Integrated Reporting. Retrieved 10 January 2017, from ISO,. (2017).  ISO - International Organization for Standardization.  ISO. Retrieved 10 January 2017, from Kiron, D., Kruschwitz, N., Reeves, M., & Goh, E. (2013). The benefits of sustainability-driven innovation.  MIT Sloan Management Review,  54(2), 69. Riotinto ,. (2017).  About Rio Tinto.  Riotinto . Retrieved 9 January 2017, from https://www.riotinto /aboutus/about-rio-tinto-5004.aspx Riotinto ,. (2017).  Working together for a better future.  Riotinto . Retrieved 10 January 2017, from https://www.riotinto /ou mitment/spotlight-18130_18749.aspx Sharma, S., & Hart, S. L. (2014). Beyond â€Å"saddle bag† sustainability for business education.  Organization & Environment, 1086026614520713. Sidiropoulos, E. (2014). Education for sustainability in business education programs: a question of value.  Journal of cleaner production,  85, 472-487. Sloan, K., Klingenberg, B., & Rider, C. (2013). Towards sustainability: Examining the drivers and change process within SMEs.  Journal of Management and Sustainability,  3(2), 19. Wagner, B., & Svensson, G. (2014). A framework to navigate sustainability in business networks: The transformative business sustainability (TBS) model.  European Business Review,  26(4), 340-367. Werbach, A. (2013).  Strategy for sustainability: A business manifesto. Harvard Business Press. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gun Control and Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Gun Control and Laws - Research Paper Example As the discussion outlines the rate of firearm homicide in the US is twenty times greater than that of other high income countries. The extremely high rates of firearm homicide are contributed by the high gun accessibility and ownership prevalence (a gun in every two homes) counteracted by much less restraining gun laws. As a result, firearm crime in the US is much fatal than other identical income level countries. For the US economy, the high prevalence of gun ownership is a cause of enormous economic costs since injuries and death arising from firearms result to medical expenses and expenditure from lost productivity. In the United States, gun control is a controversy that is debated on arguments about whether guns formulate the safety of citizens or not, while gun control is equated to restricting gun ownership. As of the United States federal laws, only certain categories of people are prohibited from possessing firearms as stated in the Gun Control Act. However, 24 states allow persons 18 years and over to purchase a gun from any store by just filling out the required paperwork. However this minimum age restriction has elevated the risk of victimization or perpetration given that grave aggressive crimes are at peak intensity throughout adolescence and in early 20s. Among others, those prohibited from owning firearms include felons; persons involuntarily committed to a mental institution; illegal aliens; persons obsessed or illegitimately using illicit substances; persons with limiting orders for matrimonial violence; and fugitive. Nevertheless, the United States Bill of Rights outlines the rig ht of people to keep and bear arms and is supported by the American constitution.

Sociolinguistic Experiment and language learning strategies Assignment

Sociolinguistic Experiment and language learning strategies - Assignment Example This essay discusses that the study would be effected through the use of self-reporting questionnaires that test the frequency of use of language learning strategies. These strategies range from metacognitive to cognitive, social, affective, compensation and memory strategies. The use of these strategies among the subjects can be measured using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The inventory, which was devised by Rebecca Oxford, is a 50-item questionnaire that identifies the learning strategies used by international students. The inventory consists of 50 statements, beneath which is a scale of five items ranging from â€Å"never true† and always true for me† (Oxford 299). The results would indicate that metacognitive strategies are the most used language learning strategies among international students. It can be assumed that they are well informed about English learning processes and the range of strategies that they can adapt to meet their goals .  This essay discusses that the study would be effected through the use of self-reporting questionnaires that test the frequency of use of language learning strategies. These strategies range from metacognitive to cognitive, social, affective, compensation and memory strategies. The use of these strategies among the subjects can be measured using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The inventory, which was devised by Rebecca Oxford, is a 50-item questionnaire that identifies the learning strategies used by international students.

Symbolic paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbolic paper 3 - Essay Example However, symbolic interaction becomes more realistic when humans are able to interpret the actions of others by applying a meaning to the actions. George Herbert Mead discusses the notion of significant other (pg. 127) and the generalized other (pg. 128) as examples of symbols with which we interact. The individual self comes out of the experiences a person has had as a result of symbolic interactions and gestures presented by society. However, more central to his argument is the idea of the I and the me which are slightly different aspects of the self. The me is a production of the environment in which the person lives. It is created when the person acquires knowledge about society and the ways in which s/he relates to it. Things such as gender, age, socioeconomic position all become parts of the me and this created by how other individual respond to him/her. The I on the other hand, is the active persona of the individual which works within the parameters set by the me to interact with society. As a part of the formation of the self, the ideas of Cooley have to be considered important since his position on the looking glass self (pg. 129) is quite useful in many cases. According to Cooley, the looking glass self is created when a person judges him/herself unconsciously or consciously to be a certain way in terms of traits and personality. Then the person observes and views the reactions of others to understand how much of their own concept is true which in turn creates as well as evaluates a personal concept of the self. Of course a person can use disclaimers to present a different image of him/herself as discussed by Goffman (pg. 132), but his ideas on symbolic interaction are important not because of the idea of disclaimers but because of the idea that we may be called upon to play different roles in different situations. The idea of having a front stage where we interact with society or other

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resource Assignment (Hospitality Industry) Essay

Human Resource Assignment (Hospitality Industry) - Essay Example In other words, the service sector can be termed as hospitality sector (Simmering, 2006). One of the most important aspects to remember is that the service or hospitality industry deal with selling customer satisfaction and it is not an easy task. Training is the responsibility of the Human Resource Management. Additionally, they also take care of employee recruitment and make sure that employees' abilities are precisely and favourably nurtured to best suite the companies' requirement. However, today several such industries lack proper training resulting in failures. This paper analysis the reasons for the success and failures of training programs in the hospitality industry. Customer satisfaction is the main job of any hospitality industry. Hospitals are a part of this industry and make sure that the patients are given at most care and support for recovery. Aviation industry is involved in flying passengers with all comforts to their destinations. Similarly, hotel's don't sell rooms or a place to sleep rather they sell customer fulfilment and comfort. Food industry or a restaurant is not just the business of selling food, but they sell service, luxury and comfort. It doesn't matter what service or hospitality industry, customer satisfaction is of great importance (Bacal & Associates, N.D.). There are several reasons as to why the training aspects are not taken up with all seriousness. Employees in the hospitality arena oppose or dislike training because they believe that they are already trained. Most of them believe they already have the requisite skills to do their job reasonably well (BNET, 1998). In recent decades the attitudes and awareness to training has changed to a great extent. Historically, training applied more to manual and enhanced the trade skills through apprenticeships. With the help of current technology the training skills to a great extent has developed and improved to cover all aspects of modern business and industry. There are three broad approaches according to Armstrong (1999 Cited in to training. The first one is about the adoption of lassie-faire approach believing that employees will find out what to do for themselves or through others. For instance if skill shortages were to be encountered, they would set right the circumstances by poaching staff from other organisations that invest in training. In a second type of organizations, they may invest in training in good times, i.e. when they have enough funds, but in bad times training budgets will be the first to be cut. Thirdly organisations that take on a positive training philosophy do so because they recognize the fact that they live in a world where competitive advantage is achieved by having higher quality people. This goal cannot be achieved if proper investment in developing the skills and competencies of their employees is not taken up. Training is the practical move toward rather than reactive approach designating t raining as a permanent and on-going process within the organisation. There are several factors that need to be considered for any company to design an effective training programme. For instance, it is said that training

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Assignment

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets - Assignment Example Since demand for money varies with interest rates, velocity also changes with changes in interest rates. Demand for money also depends upon the expectations about future interest rates. In an article published in The Globe and Mail on July 31, 2013, the author, Linda Stern, suggested to ignore advice such as â€Å"Don’t take a mortgage with you in retirement†, and â€Å"Older Folks should invest more conservatively† (Stern). In support to the view â€Å"Don’t take a mortgage with you in retirement†, it is stated in the article that carrying forward mortgages over a long period of time not only increases the risk of investment but also involves a greater expenditure on the side of the loan taker. Carrying a mortgage over a long period increases its value and interest, so it is advisable not to use a large amount when paying mortgages and instead to invest that extra amount in some other investment plans which may be beneficial in the long run. Earlie r payment of mortgages is related to the emotions of the loan-taker, reduces the risk and leads to savings due to lower interest payments. Ignoring the advice may be risky, but it may bring greater potential and stronger chance of capitalization since no one is aware of the opportunities that may come in the future. The situation will be more understandable from the following example. A person has $100,000 in cash and a 15-year mortgage with a balance of $100,000 at 4% interest. Case 1: The person decides to pay off his mortgage with the available cash and to invest the mortgage payment that would have to be paid per month (i.e. $739) for 15years at 7%. By paying the mortgage, the person saves %33,143, and at the end of 15 years investment amounts to $237,706. Case 2: The person decides not to pay the mortgage and invest cash of $100,000 for 15 years at 7% interest. After 15 years, the investment amounts to $284,894, and $33,143 are paid as interest for the mortgage. Subtracting the payment, a net gain of $251,751 is made by the person, if he/she decides to pay off the mortgage later. On deciding to pay off the mortgage, the person has received an emotional satisfaction, less risk and higher liquidity, but he/she has also suffered an opportunity loss of $14,045. Thus, every financial investment and debt is added to a price and risk, but decision is to be taken wisely. In support to the view â€Å"Older Folks should invest more conservatively†, it is stated in the article that when a person moves towards old age, he/she should either invest less in stocks or withdraw all money from stocks and invest in instruments which will guarantee returns with less amount of risk involved. They may choose to invest in certificate of deposits or bonds. Investment on guaranteed returns for short term may hold a support to the person at the time of retirement since it would assure a return at the end of the period. But ignoring the advice, it can be said that investment in bonds too can be a risky investment to the investor since future can only be assumed and not ascertained. If the interest rate rises in future, the bond holders may lose value, and investment will become riskier. Even with the rise in the expected rate of inflation the investor may face the same risk. Thus, the person may face the same

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Symbolic paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbolic paper 3 - Essay Example However, symbolic interaction becomes more realistic when humans are able to interpret the actions of others by applying a meaning to the actions. George Herbert Mead discusses the notion of significant other (pg. 127) and the generalized other (pg. 128) as examples of symbols with which we interact. The individual self comes out of the experiences a person has had as a result of symbolic interactions and gestures presented by society. However, more central to his argument is the idea of the I and the me which are slightly different aspects of the self. The me is a production of the environment in which the person lives. It is created when the person acquires knowledge about society and the ways in which s/he relates to it. Things such as gender, age, socioeconomic position all become parts of the me and this created by how other individual respond to him/her. The I on the other hand, is the active persona of the individual which works within the parameters set by the me to interact with society. As a part of the formation of the self, the ideas of Cooley have to be considered important since his position on the looking glass self (pg. 129) is quite useful in many cases. According to Cooley, the looking glass self is created when a person judges him/herself unconsciously or consciously to be a certain way in terms of traits and personality. Then the person observes and views the reactions of others to understand how much of their own concept is true which in turn creates as well as evaluates a personal concept of the self. Of course a person can use disclaimers to present a different image of him/herself as discussed by Goffman (pg. 132), but his ideas on symbolic interaction are important not because of the idea of disclaimers but because of the idea that we may be called upon to play different roles in different situations. The idea of having a front stage where we interact with society or other

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Assignment

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets - Assignment Example Since demand for money varies with interest rates, velocity also changes with changes in interest rates. Demand for money also depends upon the expectations about future interest rates. In an article published in The Globe and Mail on July 31, 2013, the author, Linda Stern, suggested to ignore advice such as â€Å"Don’t take a mortgage with you in retirement†, and â€Å"Older Folks should invest more conservatively† (Stern). In support to the view â€Å"Don’t take a mortgage with you in retirement†, it is stated in the article that carrying forward mortgages over a long period of time not only increases the risk of investment but also involves a greater expenditure on the side of the loan taker. Carrying a mortgage over a long period increases its value and interest, so it is advisable not to use a large amount when paying mortgages and instead to invest that extra amount in some other investment plans which may be beneficial in the long run. Earlie r payment of mortgages is related to the emotions of the loan-taker, reduces the risk and leads to savings due to lower interest payments. Ignoring the advice may be risky, but it may bring greater potential and stronger chance of capitalization since no one is aware of the opportunities that may come in the future. The situation will be more understandable from the following example. A person has $100,000 in cash and a 15-year mortgage with a balance of $100,000 at 4% interest. Case 1: The person decides to pay off his mortgage with the available cash and to invest the mortgage payment that would have to be paid per month (i.e. $739) for 15years at 7%. By paying the mortgage, the person saves %33,143, and at the end of 15 years investment amounts to $237,706. Case 2: The person decides not to pay the mortgage and invest cash of $100,000 for 15 years at 7% interest. After 15 years, the investment amounts to $284,894, and $33,143 are paid as interest for the mortgage. Subtracting the payment, a net gain of $251,751 is made by the person, if he/she decides to pay off the mortgage later. On deciding to pay off the mortgage, the person has received an emotional satisfaction, less risk and higher liquidity, but he/she has also suffered an opportunity loss of $14,045. Thus, every financial investment and debt is added to a price and risk, but decision is to be taken wisely. In support to the view â€Å"Older Folks should invest more conservatively†, it is stated in the article that when a person moves towards old age, he/she should either invest less in stocks or withdraw all money from stocks and invest in instruments which will guarantee returns with less amount of risk involved. They may choose to invest in certificate of deposits or bonds. Investment on guaranteed returns for short term may hold a support to the person at the time of retirement since it would assure a return at the end of the period. But ignoring the advice, it can be said that investment in bonds too can be a risky investment to the investor since future can only be assumed and not ascertained. If the interest rate rises in future, the bond holders may lose value, and investment will become riskier. Even with the rise in the expected rate of inflation the investor may face the same risk. Thus, the person may face the same

The History of Cell Theory in the Last 200 Years Essay Example for Free

The History of Cell Theory in the Last 200 Years Essay The last two centuries present significant advancement in the study of cell development in biological science since the term was first coined by Robert Hooke in 1665. Although Hooke first observed the presence of cells in matters it was Jean Baptiste De Lamarck (1744 1829), a French scientist, who initiated early steps in recognizing the concept of the cell as a biological element in living things while carrying out extensive works in evolution and classifications in the animal kingdom. This is similar to the Rene Dutrochet’s pronouncement in 1824 that the structure of a living body’s fundamental elements is the cell, created through the process called juxtaposition or combination, producing both animals and plant forms. Several assumptions followed which serves as basis for the modern cell theory including Ludolph Christian Treviranus’s (1779-1864) proposition that a cell can be further separated into even smaller components by its intracellular space or individual units comprising the cell itself particularly in plants. Building on this concept, Robert Brown (1773-1858) published a paper naming one of these units â€Å"cell nucleus† in 1883. Although scientifically accepted as fact today, Brown together with Bauer, at that time, never thought the idea of cell nucleus to be universally present in all living things and limit the concept to monocotyledons (also called monocots), one of the major groups of angiosperms or flowering plants. Amidst the numerous assumptions and differing opinions of their times three names excel in the field of cell science: Theodor Schwann (1810-1882), Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804-1881) and Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). Schwann discovered what is called Schwann cell or neurolemnocytes, glial cells supplying vitality to peripheral nerve fibers. Together with Schleiden they concluded that all living things are composed of cells and published their findings in a paper called Microscopic Investigations on the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Plants and Animals. Almost their contemporary, Virchow further improved the idea into a wider and more scientific scale stating that cells come from cells of the same kind, refuting the theory of Spontaneous Generation. Virchow was also one of the very first scientists to apply existing cell theories together with findings he himself formulated in medicine that led to the discovery of leukemia cells and a deeper understanding of lung cancer and other deceases related to cell formation and their behavior. In 1855, Virchow states that cells replicate through the process called â€Å"cell division†. Together, Schwann, Schleiden and Virchow are the three considered to be the key figures and originator of the basis for the concepts of modern Cell Theory. Development in the Cell Theory in the 1900’s is not as numerous as that of the 1700’s and 1800’s. One discovery, however, worth mentioning is the finding made by James D. Watson and Francis Crick regarding the double-helix structure for DNA in the 1953. 2. Membranous Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells †¢ Chloroplast (plastid). Chloroplasts are present in eukaryotic a cell which main function is to capture light energy to conserve free energy in the form of ATP moderating Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADP) and requires NADPH as a reductant in a reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. †¢ Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) forms the network of tubules, vesicles and cisternae in cells necessary for protein synthesis ( the process where cells proteins), protein folding and transport, secretion or exocytosed, and manufacture and storage of glycogen, steroids and macromolecules. †¢ Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Complex deals with the processing of proteins and lipids after synthesis before transporting (e. g. secretion) †¢ Mitochondrion generates the cell’s energy (i. e. chemical energy) and produce majority of its Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) †¢ Vacuole is an enclosed water filled compartment within a cell containing enzymes and various natural and inorganic molecules. †¢ Nucleus contains majority of the cell’s genetic materials organized in a multiple long linear Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is considered to be the cell’s control center. 3. Methods in Molecular Exchange †¢ Diffusion. Diffusion balances the degree of concentration of molecules from a region with higher concentration to a region with lower concentration as a reaction to thermal motion. It plays a vital role in the distribution of oxygen, nutrients and other molecules across the capillary walls and across membranes. An diffusion equilibrium is said to be attained when the amount of molecule between two regions are equal and no diffusion movement occurs, or the net flux is at zero rate. The degree of concentration, temperature, and room affects the direction and extent of net flux related to the process. †¢ Endocytosis. Endocytosis takes place when cells suck up molecules from the outside of the cell by swallowing it up using their cell membrane. †¢ Exocytosis. Exocytosis is the reverse process of endocytosis where a cell releases the contents accumulated by the secretory vesicles out of the cell membrane. 4. Catalyst and Enzyme Catalysts are substances that make a chemical reaction faster than its normal rate. Catalysts inhibit changes in matters acted upon (substrate) but remain unchanged on the final output of the reaction (end product). Enzymes are types of catalyst that are almost always in protein form and are used in biochemical (living) reactions. 5. Enzyme-Controlled Reaction During an enzyme-controlled reaction, the enzyme’s key portion called â€Å"active site† interacts with the substrate. The substrate begins reacting to the enzyme entering a stress state. Upon reaching the necessary stress rate, the substrate changes in form or state (or both) producing the end product. The resulting end product is said to â€Å"drift away† and the enzyme is then free to perform the same procedure in the chemical reaction until no reactible substance is left, concluding the process. 6. Enzymes, Coenzymes and Vitamins The primary function of vitamins in living organisms is to serve as cofactors for chemical reactions involving enzymes. Although a cofactor is a non-protein chemical compound, cofactors are tied to a protein and is necessary for proteins to perform its biological functions. These types of proteins are almost always a kind of enzyme and cofactors can be thought as of â€Å"helpers† in performing its transformation. Vitamins or derivatives of vitamins make up an organic cofactor. 7. Chemosynthesis is the process by which organisms generate their own energy through chemical reaction rather than sunlight. This process converts carbon substances and nutrients into organic form (hydrocarbon) by oxidation as an energy source. 8. In the process called Glycolysis, requires two ATP’s to break down glucose into phosphoglyceraldehyde (2 PGAL). In the 2nd stage of glycolysis, the 2 PGAL’s are then broken into 2 pyruvates. This stage produces 4 ATP’s and 2 NADH’s. The net ATP production is 2 ATP’s as in the same case with the Krebs Cycle. 9. Stages in Photosynthesis The process of photosynthesis starts with the accumulation of substances needed by the process. These substances are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and, of course, sunlight to be processed in the leaf’s chloroplasts. Sunlight then is converted into an energy form called ATP and NADPH. The sunlight absorbed through the stomata follows as certain chain of processing and results in the production of ATP, NADPH and oxygen. This process is called light reaction. Utilizing the ATP and NADPH, carbon dioxide is then converted into sugar. The resulting sugar is then broken down into two molecules called glucose and fructose, molecules that make up sucrose and sugar. The process is called dark reaction. 10. Assuming Photosynthesis I and Photosynthesis II refers to Light Reaction and Dark reactions: During light reactions electrons react as light strikes the chlorophyll. This results to the formation of ATP and NADPH. Also, water undergoes chemical reaction splitting oxygen and hydrogen. Carbon dioxide is accumulated from the atmosphere, hydrogen is added producing carbohydrates. This process is called carbon fixation. In the case of dark reactions, carbon dioxide is accumulated by a 5-C chemical called ribulose biphosphate (RuBP). Six molecules of carbon dioxide go in the Calvin Cycle, creating a glucose molecule. TP and NADPH created is used to attach phosphates into the PGA. Residual PGAL molecules are converted to reform 6 molecules of RuBP repeating the cycle again. REFERENCES Enger, E. D. , Ross, F. C. , Bailey, D. B. (2009). Concepts in biology (13th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill. Turner W. (January 1890). The Cell Theory, Past and Present BIOS 100 Lecture Material Online. Fall 2004. Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and other Energy-Releasing Pathways. May 15, 2009. http://www. bio. miami. edu/~cmallery/255/255hist/cell_theory. htm

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role of the Art Director in Film

Role of the Art Director in Film ABSTRACT Art director is having one of the most important job in an film. Art direction can be similar to snowboarding or sky diving. The essence of the activity is mainly on the way in which its done. Art direction is an action figure in film making. The art director is the one who renders the script in visual metaphors, location , color schemes costumes hair style and make up. An art director is the one who draws us in to sinful lust. They will invigorate us. They will sleepless nights with a horror film and keep us laughing for days with a comedy film. This dissertation attempts to study the influence of art direction in 3D movies. It attempts to claim that art direction is very important and necessary in a film. Art director is an important post in live action films. An art director should have good creative and management skills.But when it comes to Cg films art director is not having much importance and movies like UP is not having any art director. One of the most difficult problem the art director Rfaces is to put together everything and to make sure that it creates the mood contrast features and I appealing to the viewers. This study will attempt to make it simpler through a thorough understanding of art direction in animation INTRODUCTION The film we see today is a group work of many people. We cannot say any one is individually responsible for the success or failure of a film. We can say art direction plays a very important role in translating words in to screen. An art director is the one who is largely responsible for the look of the film. Art direction is helping in everything in the film including construction to ensure everything goes smoothly Art direction is a big part that helps the movie to get its identity. A normal movie will not be unforgettable to the viewer but great script and great production values and surely good art direction can make the movie unforgettable. There is a look and feel for every movie. But art direction only cannot make a bad movie great but great art direction can make a really good looking bad film. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research questions that will be answered in this session Qualitative What is art direction? What are the different types of art direction? How art directions influence movies in overall appearance? What are the different style and steps to be applied in art direction? How does a good art direction can change an animated film? AIM To study the role of art direction in 3D movies OBJECTIVES Methods of creating sets of popular art direction. Various styles in making an effective art direction Difference in the styles of art direction in 3D and live action. Difference in the style of art in different geners STATEMENT OF A PROBLEM At present animated movies doesnt focus much on art direction. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Art direction is one of the important part of every movie. At present the directors of animated movies even animated short film does in give much importance in short film. My study helps to understand about the importance of art direction in short film and thereby improving the quality of the short film LITERATURE REVIEW Art direction is an integral part in every movie. We have seen great looking movies that brought us the feel of the movie. Many artists do different works in a movie but art director unifies everything. In order to know more about art direction and art direction in animation a lot of books and articles has to be referred Books and articles The art direction handbook published on 2005. written by Michael rizzo: This book gives a detailed description of preproduction in a film. It also gives us information about responsibilities relations and setup and the techniques used in art direction. It involves all the duties of the direction from postproduction to pre-production The education an art director published on 2006 edited by Steven Heller: this book answers many questions like can art direction be taught? Can anyone be art director? Are all directors alike? Is an art director an editor? Is art direction design? And similar things. The art of the lion king written by Christopher finch: this book has the sketches used in the movie lion king and also some of the details of art direction in the movie which will help to analyse art direction with the help of a movie example The film makers guide to production design published on 2002 written by Vincent Lobrutto: this book mentions about production design and visualisation of a screenplay. It is having information about design metaphors, research and information about colours and texture. Its also having information about everything in the film like budget pre-production and post-production Websites About art direction in a film ( Accessed on 27 -09-2009: this website give the basic information of art directions and the significance functions and importance of art direction Art director- film makers guide( ) Accessed on 27 -09-2009: this websites has information about the duties of an art director. It also have information about character design set design and props design. Art direction in movies( Accessed on 27 -09-2009: This is a video in which tells more about what is art direction and the role of art direction in movies. Art direction v/s cinematography v/s film editing( Accessed on 27 -09-2009: this site gives the difference between art direction cinematography and film editing. It also tells about purpose of everything RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The dissertation is that of qualitative and quantitative in the study of the topic importance of art direction in 3D animation This research will include book, web pages and secondary information. This research will explore about the entire details of art direction Different methods of creating art direction will be explored which will helps to learn more about different styles so that the best for animation can be selected from those  ­Various stages in making effective art direction sequence is studied thoroughly to get a through knowledge of the process of art direction Difference between the styles of art direction in live and 3D animation is studied and also between the different genres. This will give an in depth knowledge of art direction A survey will also be conducted about the reasons of liking a 3D movie and the reasons and also about the influence of colours in the film Scope This study will help to apply art direction in animation movies in an effective way which can dramatically improve the look and feel of the movie and thereby dramatically improve the quality of the movie. Limitations This study is limited to 3D animation only and this topic is not studied much before so availability of books and articles is much less Sampling Judgement sampling is used for my survey because the topic is technical and people who knows about art direction can only give sufficient amount of information ART DIRECTION-A BRIEF HISTORY All production designers are art directors, and formerly, there were noproduction designers at all there were only art directors. In earliest filmmemory, the first creative moviemaker to be given the title of art directorwas Wilfred Buckland By 1916 when Photoplay (magazine) commented on the rise of the artistic executive or art director, WilfredBuckland had already been working for Cecile B. de Mille and Paramountsince 1914 and would continue to 1927.2Previously, he had designed Broadway theatrical productions, andlater for the fledgling movie business developed a form of minimalist, a Carravaggio-like lighting that engulfed the characters in darkness exceptfor a single source of side illumination. This dramatic theatrical effect quickly became a silent film trademark known as Lasky lighting, after theproduction company that made The Cheat (1915), his most successful film. It was also one of Cecil B. DeMilles masterpieces, shotin Standard 35mm spherical 1.37:1 format, combining all the ingredients typical of the infamous DeMille style a mixture of sex, sadism, and sacrifice,washed down with lurid melodrama. ( Michael rizzo 2005) Bucklands lighting contributions were groundbreaking. Two signature scenes in the filmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the branding of the heroine by her wealthy Japanese paramour and the subsequent shooting scene are lit with such theatrical richness and integrity that our attention is just as adroitly manipulated today as it was during its initial release. This early mavericks scenic designs created an equally powerful toured force for film-going audiences in the early twenties. Towering 40 feet above Santa Monica Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, King Richards castle, the center piece for Douglas Fairbanks Robin Hood (1922), is arguably the largest set ever constructed in Hollywood history. It took 500 workmen three solid months to build. Considering Los Angeles was more of a wide spot in the road then, the silhouette of the completed castle set could be seen for miles. It exemplified W. Bucklands penchant for creating extravagant, naturalistic sets, and it attests to his flair and flexibility as an early art Michael rizzo, The art direction handbook first edition published on 2005. director. Allan Dwan, director and trained engineer, recalled, We worked out a couple of interesting engineering stunts for the big sets. On the interiors, the walls meshed together with a matrix, which we designed and built,so they could be put together rapidly in sections. The interior of the castle was very vast too big to light with ordinary arcs. We didnt have enough. It was an open set, and certain sections were blacked out to give the right atmosphere. So to light them we constructed huge tin reflectors, about twenty feet across, which picked up the sun and shot the light back onto the arches inside. Then we could make effects.4 This set was larger than life in all ways from the completion of the steel-frame, reinforced, working drawbridge, signifying the end of set construction, to the fact that the shooting of the film on its massive sets was a big tourist attractionthe magic of the Dream Factory continues to stir our imaginations ( Michael rizzo 2005) Under the steady but tumultuous employ of Cecil B. De Mille, Buckland was a prolific film designerWilliam Cameron Menzies.Incidentally, as supervising art director Buckland ran the art department for Robin Hood overseeing Anton Grot and William Cameron Menzies, not credited as assistant art directors. The practical vision of Buckland, the little-known Hollywood art director and initiator of the use of controlled lighting within studio environments, set a standard in the first decades of the twentieth century that has become as commonplace as shooting film sequences in Hollywood sound stages today. He stands as an art direct giant; his creative ingenuity ennobles the craft of film design even now. The stills shown here illustrate the enormous sense of theatricality belying his earlier, formative years in New York City. His exuberance for designing these impressive, interior castle shots matches that of the swashbucklingstar and sole producer of the film, Douglas Fairbank( Michael rizz o 2005) Michael rizzo, The art direction handbook first edition published on 2005. Past Changes The function and title of art direction continued into the next decades before the landscape of the art department was changed forever. Since Bucklands inauguration, Hollywoods creative visual managers were simply called art directors. Each of the existing studios including 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, and Warner Brothers contained stables of art directors overseen by a supervising art department head. The paradigm shift began in 1939 during the Golden Age of the American Studio System. William Cameron Menzies, having grown up under Bucklands tutelage, set a new standard for visual excellence by mapping the film epic, Gone With the Wind, with detailed concept sketches and storyboards, and adamantly insisting on using them as guides for shooting the film. David O. Selznick, the films producer, rewarded Menzies efforts of managing every detailed aspect of GWTW from a visual standpoint by crediting him with the title of production designe r. By the way, GWTW was art directed by Lyle R. Wheeler and set decorated by Edward G. Boyle. ( Michael rizzo 2005) This distinction continues to the present. Regardless, the titles continue to be blurred. One logical reason is that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences annually presents an Oscar for Best Art Direction for a Film, never having taken the leap to make the correction. Another explanation reminds us that the television industry has consistently maintained the original label for the designer as art director. Despite the confusion of terms between industries, one fact remains: two different titles refer to two separate job descriptionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ plain and simple. When in Hollywood, speak specifically. ( Michael rizzo 2005) Michael rizzo, The art direction handbook first edition published on 2005. Present changes Several years ago, the Art Directors Guild in Los Angeles was in a minor uproar when the title of our union, Local 876, had come up for review and subsequent vote by the membership. As we have just seen, the battle of whos who had gone on intermittently in an informal way during the many years since Hollywoods Golden Age. A handful of committed members called for a formal discussion and vote to resolve the squabbling for a truly descriptive title for the Guild, once and for all. After a lengthy debate, the name of the art directors union was changed from Society of Motion Picture and Television Art Directors to LOCAL 800 ART DIRECTORS GUILD SCENIC, TITLE AND GRAPHIC ARTISTS or, The Art Directors Guild, informally. Holding title in a designing capacity or not, art directors continue to occupy a vital place within the context of cinemas creative operatives. Formally being called an art director now more than ever personally connects us to our glorious past and reminds us of our historic roots without pretension.( Michael rizzo 2005) Michael rizzo, The art direction handbook first edition published on 2005. Chapter 5 Responsibilities and relationships art director Responsibilities The main responsibility of the art director is to take care of the visual aspects of on screen as well as printed media. The process of visualisation is being over seen by the art director in a variety of communication problem. All art directors even though they are specialised in a particular field must be good not only in design and illustration but photography computers, research etc so that they can interact with all the workers under him He is the one who keeps track on scheduling and budgeting. An art director gives instructions to the art department co-ordinator and the lead man. The art director is also in touch with the departments such as construction, transportation, location and special effects. Art directors start their work two or three month before the production of the film. Art directors start their work on the sets of the shots that are going to be shot first as soon as the schedule is decided. The script is studied thoroughly to know what the essential are props needed in the shots and they are designed according to that. The sketches and plans for the set are drawn so that they can be given to the construction managers and their teams for reference. One important part of art directors work is trouble shooting. They find cost effective solutions for constructing and decoration problems. They work closely with the relevant department from the stage of preproduction itself if some special effects or visual effects r there in the movie. They are responsible for the use of any vehicles and animals in the movie. Sometimes the raw materials needed for construction may not be available so they need to adjust with whatever raw materials is available at the present situations. Safety is another important concern of an art director he must make sure that all the workers under him are safe when working in dangerous and hazardous situations Relationships Historically, the art department is seen as the imagery hub of film production More than this, it also exists as the central department providing a strategic guide for all crewmembers in their respective departments. As keeper of the visual concept, the art department has creatively inspired and monitored all related activities for decades. Head accountant and staff- an art director should be in good relation with the accountant so that money is easily available without any delays Locations Manager and Staff- Another early arrival in the pre-production phase is the locations manager. Logistics is what cements your relationship the locations finally chosen to satisfy the design concept, the schedule of in-and-out movement at a location, access and parking, and strict adherence to what can and cannot be physically done are some of the issues both will face together. Much like the art director, the locations manager is the first to arrive and the last to leave any and all given locations. UPM, Production Supervisor, and Production Office Staff- The bulk of your interdepartmental marketing efforts are exercised with the production office, the other nerve center of film production. All final decisions are made in this office. Your goal as an effective art department manager with the UPM, production supervisor, and production office coordinator is to provide good offensive support. First Assistant Director and Staff-The influence of a good art director should be felt everywhere at once. Unfortunately, the shooting crew and its activity on a hot set are not an art directors legitimate domain; the first assistant director, the second assistant director, and the second-second assistant director will continuously remind you of that fact. Regardless, you need to do your job despite any restrictions; acknowledging the domain status of the 1st AD is key to working within those restrictions. Pre-visualization Supervisor and Staff The advent of 3D animation and how it has affected the design landscape has forced film designers to rethink the process of matching human and animation film elements seamlessly into the visual fabric of filmmaking. A reluctant respect now governs this young relationship between the art department and visual effects folks. It cannot properly function as an adversarial one because our quickly advancing technology is forcing a paradigm shift. The marriage of minds to create a singular vision has arrived and with it, a rethinking of boundaries. Essential knowledge and skills A good art director should be an expert in interior design and architecture